This is the first game we make after 3 weeks of Java in <Academia_de_Codigo> It's a 2 Player game.
Development started on 24/5/2017. A week later our code was a mess, so we decided to scrap it and start anew. So, in actuallity this was made in 3 nights.
Hey, thats pretty good.
Enjoy ^^
Game controls:
Mouse: W - move up; S - move down; A - move left; D - move right;
Snake: Key_UP - move up; Key_DOWN - move down; Key_LEFT - move left; Key_RIGHT - move right;
Game Rules: -Mouse eats food and turns it to poop. -Snake can eat the food so the Mouse can't have it -Mouse can't go through walls -Snake can -Snake wins by catching the Mouse -Mouse wins if the Snake eats a poop