What's in my Food


Ruby 3.1.1

Rails 7.0.x


  • Fork and Clone this repo
  • bundle install
  • bundle exec figaro install
  • rails db:{create,migrate}
  • rails s

We will be querying the FoodData Central API with an ingredient to retrieve a list of the ten most relevant foods that include that ingredient.

First, sign up for an api key here: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/api-key-signup.html

The documentation for the API can be found here: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/api-guide.html

Make sure you take the time to read the documentation carefully. Remember, we want to get a list of foods that contain an ingredient.

Complete the following user story. Be sure to TDD all of your work. Commit your work every 15 minutes.

As a user,
When I visit "/"
And I fill in the search form with "sweet potatoes"
(Note: Use the existing search form)
And I click "Search"
Then I should be on page "/foods"
Then I should see a total of the number of items returned by the search.
(sweet potatoes should find more than 30,000 results)
Then I should see a list of TEN foods that contain the ingredient "sweet potatoes"

And for each of the foods I should see:
- The food's GTIN/UPC code
- The food's description
- The food's Brand Owner
- The food's ingredients

Note: You can consider every result you get from the FoodData API to be a valid result for your search even if the ingredient list for the food is empty.

Delivery: Submit the link to your repo to the form provided by your instructors.