About Us

Hi There! We are Team Archons 2nd Year Undergraduate Students From Lucknow University.


The site is not complete yet, we will be updating the code on regular basis and more features will be added. The uploaded Files and the entire project is on Early Development Stage. You may face few errors and glitches.

Welcome to DEV-ARENA

Where coding meets gaming and teamwork

Dev-Arena was built to address the challenges of finding and collaborating with team members in web development.

  • Showcase your skills as tech tags by completing tasks.
  • Easily find team members with the required tech tags and skills.
  • Collaborate seamlessly with your team using integrated tools and resources.
  • Embarks on a gamified development journey that makes learning fun and engaging.
  • One of the best aspect of Dev-Arena is the battle feature. Form teams and compete against each other.
  • Test your skills, push your limits, and see who's the best in the arena.

Problem Statement

Aspiring web developers often lack opportunities to work with others, learn from experienced professionals, and build a network.

Many online platforms lack efficient team formation and skill development mechanisms.

Finding teammates with the right skillsets for projects can be time-consuming and frustrating.

There's a lack of engaging ways for individuals and teams to collaborate on tasks and challenges.

Traditional learning methods lack motivation systems that celebrate progress and encourage continuous learning.

Solution Overview

We propose a platform that addresses these challenges by:

  1. Skill-based user profiles Introduce "Tech Tags" that represent the user's technical skills. Users earn tags by completing relevant tasks and challenges on the platform.

  2. Dynamic team formation Allow users to create and join teams with specific tech tag requirements. This streamlines finding compatible teammates with the necessary skills.

  3. Collaborative challenges and rewards Design engaging challenges and tasks that teams can complete together. Completing these tasks and rewards both the individual and the team, boosting their XP level and unlocking access to higher leagues within the platform.

This solution will create a vibrant online community where

Users can effectively showcase and develop their tech skills. Teams can be formed quickly and efficiently based on specific project needs. Collaboration and skill development are incentivized through engaging challenges and a rewarding league system.

Important Links

Figma UI Design https://www.figma.com/design/5PwmkAyjJNvybqfrj4Rqrd/Dev-Arena-_UI?node-id=3-2&t=7dM2CabwzxEy9EBa-1

Demo Vedio https://youtu.be/qZo3XWts08c

Tech Stack


Contact us

For any inquiries or support, please contact us at archonsofficial@gmail.com