
619-J_Stepper is an open source closed loop stepper driver.


An open source closed loop stepper driver.


619-J_Stepper is an open source micro-controller board used to drive a stepper motor in closed loop mode. The board is generally used on 3D printer steppers or CNC steppers to prevent losing steps. The project is inspired by Tropical labs: Mechaduino board.

Here the features of the 619-J_Stepper:

  • STM32F103C8T6 ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M3 is the CPU of the board. Higher frequency, higher speed and cost-effictive.

  • Magnetic encoder to Allegro's A1333LLETR-T Contactless 0° to 360° angle sensor IC ,12bit

  • USB programming and serial communication (serial version)

  • High speed printing without losing steps.

  • Ported the compilation platform from arduino to PlatformIO —— Convenient for STM32 MCU compilation

  • This project support build and upload by platformio, you can use Atom or Code editor (need install platformio) build it or upload firmware.

  • Cosed loop motor feedback.

Here are the schematic and the board:

<iframe src="https://myhub.autodesk360.com/ue2824bfc/shares/public/SH919a0QTf3c32634dcfc82b0b883f1f9a82?mode=embed" width="640" height="480" allowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>


After finishing the Routing and verify the pcb. We made the board at JLC PCB and we chose also the PCB Assembly service which was very good.

Here is the BOM needed for jlcpcb assembly service:

Designator Quantity value footprint LCSC Part
U2 1 STM32F103C8T6 Package_QFP:LQFP-48_7x7mm_P0.5mm C8734
R4 1 10K 0402 C25744
Y1 1 32K768 Crystal:Crystal_SMD_3215-2Pin_3.2x1.5mm C252398
C5 1 10pF 0402 C32949
C4 1 10pF 0402 C32949
Y2 1 8MHz Crystal:Crystal_SMD_5032-2Pin_5.0x3.2mm C115962
C8 1 22pF 0402 C1555
C9 1 22pF 0402 C1555
R13 1 1M 0603 C22935
C7 1 100nF 0603 C14663
R5 1 10K 0402 C25744
R8 1 10K 0402 C25744
C10 1 100nF 0402 C1525
C11 1 100nF 0402 C1525
C12 1 100nF 0402 C1525
C13 1 100nF 0402 C1525
J1 1 USB_B_Micro Connector_USB:USB_Micro-AB_Molex_47590-0001 C136001
R9 1 22 0402 C25092
R6 1 22 0402 C25092
R7 1 1K5 0402 C25867
D1 1 LED 0603 C72041
R10 1 1K 0402 C11702
D2 1 LED_Small 0603 C2286
R12 1 1K 0402 C11702
SW1 1 SW_DIP_x01 Button_Switch_SMD:SW_Push_SPST_NO_Alps_SKRK C115357
SW2 1 SW_DIP_x01 Button_Switch_SMD:SW_Push_SPST_NO_Alps_SKRK C115357
SW3 1 SW_DIP_x01 Button_Switch_SMD:SW_Push_SPST_NO_Alps_SKRK C115357
D3 1 BAT64-05 eec:Infineon-BAT64-05-Level_C C779239
U4 1 AMS1117-3.3 Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2 C6186
C18 1 100nF 0603 C14663
C20 1 100nF 0603 C14663
C15 1 100nF 0603 C14663
R14 1 10K 0402 C25744
Q1 1 FDN337N FDN337N:ON_Semi-527AG-01-12_2008-O-IPC_C C475694
R15 1 10K 0402 C25744
C19 1 100nF 0603 C14663
R16 1 10K 0402 C25744
Q3 1 FDN337N FDN337N:ON_Semi-527AG-01-12_2008-O-IPC_C C475694
R20 1 10K 0402 C25744
R19 1 10K 0402 C25744
Q2 1 FDN337N FDN337N:ON_Semi-527AG-01-12_2008-O-IPC_C C475694
R18 1 10K 0402 C25744
R17 1 10K 0402 C25744
C17 1 100nF 0603 C14663
C14 1 100nF 0603 C14663
C16 1 100nF 0603 C14663
RN1 1 10 0402 C25496
RN2 1 100 0402 C48442
U1 1 A4950E Package_SO:SOIC-8-1EP_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm_EP2.41x3.3mm C82404
R1 1 1K 0402 C11702
C1 1 100nF 0603 C14663
R2 1 0.1 1206 C25334
U3 1 A4950E Package_SO:SOIC-8-1EP_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm_EP2.41x3.3mm C82404
C3 1 100nF 0603 C14663
R3 1 1K 0402 C11702
R11 1 0.1 1206 C25334
C6 1 100uF SMD-ECAP-6.3x5.3 C176682
C2 1 100nF 0603 C14663


Getting started


The hardware is under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 License as much of the work is based on Mechaduino project by J. Church.

Licence Creative Commons
Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.


This hardware/software is provided "as is", and you use the hardware/software at your own risk. Under no circumstances shall any author be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this hardware/software, even if the authors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.