2023 Apache AGE Internship Program (Nigeria)

Coding Test Questions

Questions 1 and 2 (Backend)

▪ Developing Apache AGE requires a lot of logical thinking that backend development often requires. Question 3 (Database Driver / Interface) ▪ Database driver is a piece of software that allows applications to connect to and interact with the database system. Question 4 (Frontend) ▪ Graph visualization is an integral part of any Graph database system software offering. Question 5 (Frontend/Backend/Database) ▪ Developing Apache AGE requires a lot of logical thinking that Frontend/backend development often requires. Question 6 (Basic Algos) ▪ Apache AGE requires a lot of logical thinking that backend development often requires. Please be advised that you can attempt this coding test as follows:

  1. Both Question 1 and Question 2 OR
  2. Both Question 3 and Question 4 OR
  3. Both Question 5(5-1, 5-2) and Question 6(6-1, 6-2, 6-3)