
A Modern, Minimal, Opensource Link Shortening API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LinkZip URL Shortening API Documentation

LinkZip is a minimalist and efficient URL shortening service designed for simplicity and speed. This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the API for shortening long URLs into clean and shareable links.

Production URL

To access the LinkZip URL shortening service, please use the following production URL:

API Endpoints

Endpoint: POST /shorten

  • Description: Shorten a long URL into a compact, shareable link.

  • Request:

    • Method: POST
    • Endpoint: /shorten
    • Request Body:
      • url (string, required): The original URL to be shortened.
      • shorturl (string, optional): A custom short URL, if desired.
      • randomUrl (string: true or false, optional): Generates a random short URL, if specified true.
  • Response:

    • Success (HTTP 200 OK):
      • JSON response with the shortened URL information.
    • Error (HTTP 400 Bad Request or 500 Internal Server Error):
      • JSON response with an error message.
  • Example 1: For Custom ShortURL:

    • Request:
        "url": "https://example.com",
        "shorturl": "mycustomshorturl"
    • Response:
        "message": "Short URL created successfully",
        "original_url": "https://example.com",
        "short_url": "https://lz.linkzip.co/mycustomshorturl"
  • Example 2: For Random Short URL:

    • Request:
        "url": "https://example.com",
    • Response:
        "info": "Short Url created successfully",
        "original_url": "https://example.com",
        "short_url": "https://lz.linkzip.co/8ae6de"

Endpoint: GET /:url

  • Description: Redirect to the original URL associated with the provided short URL.

  • Request:

    • Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /:url
    • URL Parameter:
      • url (string, required): The short URL to redirect.
  • Response:

    • Success (HTTP 302 Found):
      • Redirects to the original URL associated with the short URL.
    • Error (HTTP 404 Not Found):
      • JSON response with an error message if the short URL is not found.
  • Example:

    • Request:
      • Accessing https://lz.linkzip.co/mycustomshorturl will redirect to the original URL associated with the short URL.

Endpoint: GET /

  • Description: A simple welcome message for the LinkZip service.

  • Request:

    • Method: GET
    • Endpoint: /
  • Response:

    • Success (HTTP 200 OK):
      • A plain text response containing the welcome message.

How To Self-Host the API

We provide the ability to self-host the API for your own personal use or organization