
backend node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js course

Welcome to Node.js course where we will learn how to build backend http server applications. That is application that runs on a server and respond to an http request by sending an http response.

We will learn how to build backend http server applications using Node.js and Express.

What you can create after this course

After this course, our goal, is to learn how to create backend http server applications. We will learn how to create application that runs on a server. Opens a tcp port to listen to requests, when request is entering respond with a response. A response can be an html, json, img, js file, etc. We can create a dynamic response by querying a database and based on the database create a response that is adjusted for the current user. We will learn how to build REST server.

How the course is divided

It's very hard to create an Http server application using only Node.js Node.js contains very basic tools for creating such an app. That is why to accomplish our goal of creating backend applications we usually combine Node.js with another library for create our backend app.

We will combine Node.js and Express.js to create a server and the course will be divided to 2:

  • Node part
  • Express part.


I'm assuming you have basic knowledge and experience with Javascript. By experience I mean you know how to do the following stuff in Javascript:

  • declare variables
  • if's
  • for's
  • Create functions
  • basic OOP in javascript - create classes.

Course Material

This repository is divided to folders, where each lesson resides in a folder. The folders are numbered according to the order of the lesson. All the code example we give in each lesson will be arranged in their proper folders.

You also will have john bryce material in the following link: https://smart.newrow.com/#/courseDirectory/bhy-497?_k=olj7e6

There are many video lectures on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ywarezk

This course will be recorded an uploaded to my channel as well.

Course Lessons

  • 01 - Node Introduction