4Stats uses 4chan's public API to gather statistics regarding the threads on the various boards.
The data is exposed using Prometheus metrics to allow for visualization in Grafana.
Note: The project is currently under development and metrics may come to change
Deployment is easy and requires nothing more than docker and docker-compose.
git clone https://github.com/ALX99/4stats
cd ./4stats
docker-compose up
- By default Grafana will be exposed on port 80 on all interfaces
- By default Prometheus will be exposed on port 9090 on localhost
- By default 4stats's metrics endpoint will be exposed 8000 on localhost
- Please see docker-compose.yml for configuration options.
Task is required in order to build this project.
- Compile the project:
task build
- Compile & build the docker image:
task image
- Compile, build and start the project:
task start
Note: For more available options please see task --list-all