🚚 Job listings with filtering - React

Design preview for the Job Listings coding challenge

Welcome! 👋

This is my solution to the Job listings with filtering challenge on Frontend Mentor.

🔗 Live Link / Demo Link:

🛠 Technologies Used:

  • Accessible HTML
  • CSS Tailwind ❤️
  • React.js with hooks
  • GitHub action for automatically deploying project to GitHub pages.
  • Responsive design

📚 Challenging parts:

  1. In data.json there is element logo which contains path to the local file with svg image. But it's local url path and react don't want to render svg image from local file. So my solution - put image folder in public folder, edit data.json (remove first dot in every url) and add process.env.PUBLIC_URL to create correct absolute path to the svg image.

🐢 Stuff I would like to add later: