
How to Use:

Run following Commands:

2.cd internship-task

3.npm install

4.cd server

5. node app.js



1. Users Model: (email,password)

2. Cloth Model: (pid,name,description,price,image)


1. Users Routes

2. Cloth Routes

User Routes Apis

1. /api/users/ - register

2. /api/users/login - login

Cloth Routes

1. /save - save cloth data

2. /api/cloth/ - get,update,delete cloth



1. For Sign in and Sign Up

Used JWT Token for sign in and sign up.(required fields:email,password)

After successful sign in/sign up a token is returned which need to be present in order to make any changes

2. For Cloth Section

/save route to store cloth data in cloth data I have used pid(product_id) field which need to be unique for every product. Also using multer Image Upload is done from system

Created /api/cloth/ route to get all cloths stored in database