CoreNLPClient.Net is a C# client for Stanford CoreNLP Java server. You need a fully functional version of both CoreNLP and Java in your computer to run the client. See for further information.
According the project documentation, using a client talking to a server instance is the best way to implement an interface to CoreNLP in other programming languages.
There are several client implementations in many programming languages. The official from the Stanford NLP Group is a Python project called Stanza.
To keep things simple, I try to mimic the Stanza interface and implementation whenever possible.
The library has been developed and tested on Windows and Linux, using .NET Core 3.1, but should work with older versions although I haven’t tried.
Target version is CoreNLP >= 4.0.0 but I think it should work with previous releases. The server needs at least Java 8 to run.
Furthermore, it should also work with .NET Framework 4.7.2 and above.
The main goal was to be able to properly run the main Python example; almost all features of the client have been implemented.
However there are known limitations:
- Redirection of stdout, stderr of Java Server is not implemented
- Parameter to_words for methods tokensregex, semgrex and tregex in stanza.server.client is not implemented
- kwargs parameters for CoreNLPClient (server_id, ssl, status_port,uriContext, strict, key, username, password, blacklist) should work, but have not been tried.
- There's a known bug related to the use of
parameter. When assigned true, queries will timeout if the server's been automatically started
Two projects are available in the repository. CoreNLPClient.Net.csproj is the library itself. With Tests.sln / Tests.csproj you can build and run a program to demostrate the library usage.
Important: To run the example you either need
- A CORENLP_HOME (or CLASSPATH) environment variable set, pointing to the folder containing CoreNLP jar files. (For Linux users, a Shell Variable won't be enough, you need a full Environment Variable, see this)
- To explicitly use classpath parameter in CoreNLP constructor
Assuming all dependencies have been satisfied (see compatibility above), Linux users just need to browse to Test folder and type dotnet run
. Windows users, you can load Test.sln in Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition
The following is a comparison of an example using Stanza and CoreNlpClient.Net (click to enlarge)