So you want to deploy a python-telegram-bot on Heroku?
In this repository you'll find a skeleton for an app on Heroku using the python-telegram-bot library.
Things to read/know:
- Heroku getting started with Python
- Heroku CLI - Not required but very usefull
- Basic knowledge with git
Things you need:
- A token for your bot from @BotFather
- The name for your app. Either gathered from the web-interface or given when running
$ heroku create <appname>
Fill these in in the right place in the script you're using.
This Repo contains two different skeletons:
- - Using the builtin webhookserver. This script fetches the variables TOKEN and NAME (heroku app name) from the environment, so remember to set them up running:
$ heroku config:set TOKEN=<your-telegram-bot-token>
$ heroku config:set NAME=<appname>
- - Using cherrypy. It even also runs a welcome webpage.
Mind that If you want to use the second example, you'll have to add cherrypy
to the requirements.txt
The Procfile in this repository is currently set to run the first version (with the simple http server) Change it to whatever you need.
For questions regarding python-telegram-bot please use our telegram group.