ffmpeg-fas requires CMake to build. http://cmake.org ================ 1. DEPENDENCIES: ffmpeg - ffmpeg.org Most Linux setups should have ffmpeg installed. To build this library, you'll need the ffmpeg "dev" (or header) package installed as well. In Ubuntu, this is split into libavdevice-dev, libavutil-dev, libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev and libswscale-dev. Other distros may use names such as "ffmpeg-dev" or "libav-dev". On Windows, you'll need the FFMPEG Dev builds at http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ . ====================== 2. BUILDING FFMPEG-FAS: LINUX: mkdir build cd build cmake .. WINDOWS: (using cmake gui) build dir: fas-root/build source dir: fas-root where fas-root is this folder. Note: You'll need to set the variable FFMPEG_ROOT to point to the folder with FFMPEG installed. To generate MSVC project files, you can use cmake-gui and select your version of MSVC, or use cmake .. -G <generator>. Use cmake --help to determine the correct generator. Install routines are not yet implemented.
ffmpeg - Frame Accurate Seeking Extension - A library to accomplish frame-accurate seeking, and frame-counting, for video processing applications