tedjs documents pages

tedjs document website is based on markedown pages. the document is a multi language document and the main language is persian. if you are intersted , you can help me to translate the pages to other languages.

Document File Structure

├───[Language Folder]
│   ├───setting.json
│   ├───pages
│       ├───[page].md

the Page Container is the root folder that contains language folders. each language folder like fa has a setting.json and a pages folder.

pages folder contains the markdown files that the documents has been written in it.


this file contains some setting properties. now is just the languages that are exist.

[Language Folder] -> Setting.json

each language folder has its setting . this file has some rules.

  • files : this property is an associative array that contains a list of markdown files details. the key of property is the file name with out .md.
  • title : this property is the title of the documentation site
  • indexTitle : on the index page of the site , under the logo , the header title will be replaced with this property.
  • indexDesc : this property will be replaced with the description area under the header title.

Markdown Rules

tedjs document website has its own markdown version. it has some new operations that just work in the tedjs document website.

notice: the h2 will create a section and h3 will create a block inside the section


Callouts are message boxes , like success , info , warning and error

to use this feature you can use exclamation mark (!) .

the first line is the determinative line to determine the type of message box and the text front it is the title of the box:

count of exclamation mark type
1 success
2 info
3 warning
4 error

the other lines that are start with one exclamation mark will be used as the message of box


! success
! the message line 1
! the message line 2


!! info
! the message line 1
! the message line 2


!!! warning
! the message line 1
! the message line 2


!!!! error
! the message line 1
! the message line 2

JsRun Code Block (PlayGround)

the other 3rd party operation is the code block.

to use this feature , you should first start with this line:


the <width> and <height> can be any css like measurable units, like 200px , 20% and ...

and the of block must be:


the between these you can use formats below to create css , html , js and external files.

each format is a block that its below contents will set as its content until the end of block or the start of other file format

formats example
```html ```html
<div>this is a test</div>
```css ```css
color: black;
```js ```js
var a = 2;
```ext{<FileType>}(``)[``] -> `` `injs` ```ext(js)[js Library] ->/path/file.js injs
var y = 2

the <FileType> ca be one of js , html , css .

if you want to attach an external library , you should write down its url instead of <ExternalUrl>

<TabName> is the name that will show on the tab

if you want to use the external data as an accessible virtual file to use ajax to get its content you should set the <VirtualPath>

the injs attribute is to enable the virtual path to be accessible from other js tabs.



<myelm a="2" b="3"></myelm>
<span id="Multiple"></span>

var myLib = include( "file: mylib.js" );

tedApi.html( "#Multiple", myLib.multiple(1024,2048) );



```ext{js}[mylib]->mylib.js injs
    myElm = ted.define("myelm",["a","b"]),
    multiple = function(a,b){
        return a * b;

    this.html( multiple( parseInt(a), parseInt(b) ) );

this.multiple = multiple;
