
Advanced Markup Language - Standard

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Advanced Markup Language - Standard

--- What is AML? ---

this is a library for tedjs. this is just a basic library for tedjs to improve it. it has aml vaiables and some elements with function to help.

--- AML:std Elements ---

:: Name Space and ID

NameSpace ID
STD system.aml.std

:: AML Inline Executer

you can run any javascript function in html with out any <script/> Element.

.: Example 1

<b><i> {{ js : return "This a Test" }} </i></b>

Output: This a Test

.: Example 2

<b><i> {{ js : 2 }} </i></b>

Output: undefined

.: Example 3

<b><i> {{ js : anyFunction([Arguments]) }} </i></b>

Output: undefined

.: Example 4

<b><i> {{ aml : x }} </i></b>

Output: [VALUE]

:: AML Variable

aml has its own variable declaration. it means that if you declare any variables at any level of elements, all children of that element will can access to that variables. to declare you can use var attribute in target element.

<element var="x = 1; y = 'test'; z = [1,2,3]">
       {{ aml : y }}
            {{aml : z}}



you can also use javascript functions to add , edit or get the variables value.

:: AML:std Object

after including this library (Download or online Library) like this:

var System = include("system.aml.std");

you will have an object that is containing the AML:std Objects.

.: System.aml.addVar()


    variable : Object,
    element : HTMLElement
) : Number

with this function you will be able to add or edit a variable. if the variable be exist , it will edit it other wise it will add a new variable to the target DOM.

.:: Example :
      name : "x",
      value : 1

.: System.aml.varValue()


    variableName : String,
    element : HTMLElement
) : any

if the variable were existed,it will return its value otherwise it will return undefined

.:: Example :

.: System.aml.varExist()


    variableName : String,
    element : HTMLElement
) : Boolean

if the variable were existed,it will return tre it will return false

.:: Example :

.: System.aml.module()


    amlName : String,
) : Module

with this function you can access to the target's element (the element must have the aml attribute,because this function ,find the element from this attribute) modules that are global or are created by you. all modules will returned as an object.if there were be any error , it will be returned as an object with type:error and a message that is, its error message.

.:: Example :
<element aml="elm"></element>
    var AML_Elem = System.aml.module("elm");

.: [Module].control()


    callback : Function,
) : Module

this function that is one of module's function , used for controling target element easily.you can define any aml variable more simple.you have access to local functions of __GLOBALS()__.you have access to its children that has aml attribute as an object. control send __GLOBALS()__ functions as the first argument and the element as this.

.:: Example :
<element aml="elm" var="x=[1,2,3]">
   <sub aml="esub">
      {{ js: return ({{ aml: j }})() }}
      <sub>{{ aml: x }}</sub>
    var elem = System.aml.module("elm");
        a.vars.j = function(){return 2;}; // declare aml variable
        a.vars.x = 2; // edit  declared aml variable but in here because the control function  run before element compiling so you can't access to undeclared variables.
            -> using local functions
        console.log(a.esub) // log `sub` element Module



.: System.aml.creatModule()


    options : Object,
) : Boolean

with this function you can create your modules like [Module].control().you can create module for special elements.you can specify the time of module execution.every property that is needed to insert into the option object , has come in table below:

property name property description property type
name this is the name of module like control String
function this is the core of your module.with this you can control the activities in module. it has one argument that is an object. it has 3 function(explained in table below) , one object(option object) as property main and the target element as property self . the this pointer is pointing to the target element. Function
global it is an object of needed functions that all specified elements can use them if you want. Object
local this is like global but before defining any function , you must set its tagname and next , set the object of functions. you can specify the tag name of element you want to access functions. Object
before this is a boolean value to access to your module that run before compiling each element. Boolean
after this is a boolean value to access to your module that run after compiling each element. Boolean
elm with this property you can set that which elements you want to access to this module. if leave if empty , it means that you allow every dom to have access to it. Array
.:: Local Functions

in property function you have access to 3 functions that is available from the first argument of function. they are explained in table below:

Function Explanation
[arg1].createBasic() with this function you will be able to create the base object of you module that contain the global functions , local functions and the Ability of accessing the aml variables.this function will return that object and you can use The Object every where you want.
[arg1].runFunctions() this function has one input argument that accept an object of functions(object that is returned from [arg1].createBasic()) . when you run this function , it will run the modules that has contain a function and send the object to them as the first argument.
[arg1].Functions() with this function you can controle all current module's inputs. this function accept a function as its first argument and send the current module's inputs as the first argument of input function.you can this function more that one and the Module manager will execute them in order.this function can be a replace for [arg1].runFunctions() to handle the module's inputs.
.:: Example : control Module
   global: {
        attr: function () { 
            var ARG = [this.self, arguments[0], arguments[1]]; 
            return tedApi.attr.apply(window, ARG);
        var option = $.createBasic();
.:: Example : test Module
   global: {
        glob:function(){ [Doing Something] }
            func1:function(){[Doing Something]}
            func2:function(){[Doing Something]}
        var option = $.createBasic();
<elm1 aml="elm1"></elm1>
<elm2 aml="elm2"></elm2>
<elm3 aml="elm3"></elm3>
<elm4 aml="elm4"></elm4>

    var elm1 = System.aml.module("elm1"),
        elm2 = System.aml.module("elm2"),
        elm3 = System.aml.module("elm3"),
        elm3 = System.aml.module("elm4");
        this.vars.test = 2; // create aml variable
        console.log(a); // log 2
        this.glob(); // run the `glob` function
        this.func1(); // run the `func1` function
        this.func2(); // throw an error . this element has no access to this function
        this.vars.test = 2; // create aml variable
        console.log(a); // log 2
        this.glob(); // run the `glob` function
        this.func2(); // run the `func1` function
        this.func1(); // throw an error . this element has no access to this function
        this.vars.test = 2; // create aml variable
        console.log(a); // log 2
        this.glob(); // run the `glob` function
        this.func1(); // throw an error . this element has no access to this function
        this.func2(); // throw an error . this element has no access to this function
    elm4.test(function(a){}); // there is no `test` module for this element

:: AML Elements

Now it's time to introduce the AML Elements:

.: Element import:

this is an element to send request and receive data.

   parse="[Data Type]"
   save="[JavaScript Variable]"
   success="[Success Callback]"
   error="[Error Callback]"
.:: Attribute src (Required)

with this attribute you can set the destination file url that you want to receive its data .it is required

.:: Attribute parse (Optional)

you can set the data type to tell function to parse data in type you want. it can parse data in these types: text(default) , html , xml , json ,js , css , image

.:: Attribute save (Optional)

with this attribute you can save the http Request content in a Global Javascript Variable. so you can access it from every where.just need to put a name in the attribute. if you don't set this attribute , it will set the recived content into the element innerHTML.

.:: Attribute Success (Optional)

this is a callback function attribute. you can set javascript functions to call when the request has done correctly.

.:: Attribute Error (Optional)

this is like Success Attribute. but The difference is that in this case , it will call when an error occurred.

.:: Attribute Async (Optional)

this element will send request synchronously in default.this attribute is a non value attribute . just if you use this , the element will send request asynchronously.

.:: Example : CSS
<import src="test.css" parse="css" success="SuccessFunc()"></import> <!-- It is Like <link/> -->
.:: Example : javascript
<import src="test.js" parse="js" success="SuccessFunc()" error="ErrorFunc()"></import> <!-- It is Like <script/> -->
.:: Example : image
<import src="test.png" parse="image" success="SuccessFunc()" error="ErrorFunc()"></import> <!-- It is Like <img/> -->
.:: Example 1
.:: page.format Content ::.
this file can be every thing.js , css , html , json , ...
it is not important.
.:: index.html Content ::.
<import src="page.format" parse="[Any Kind]" success="SuccessFunc(content,xhr,this)" error="ErrorFunc()"></import> 

because there is no save attribute , so it is not different to define the parse attribute or not . it will inserted as a text inner of element html.

.:: Output Content ::.
this file can be every thing.js , css , html , json , ...
it is not important.
.:: Example 2
.:: page.json Content ::.
.:: index.html Content ::.
<import src="page.json" save="store" parse="json" success="SuccessFunc(content,xhr,this)" error="ErrorFunc()">
       var text = "";
       tedApi.each(store,new Function("i",'text += i+":"+this+",";'));
       return text;
.:: Output Content ::.

.: Element switch:

this is like switch operator in all Programing language.

<switch cond="[Statement]">
    <case cond="[Statement]" break>
        [Any Text]
.:: Attribute cond :

this attribute is use for checking the correctness of the value to compare with the case element's cond attribute to see if which ones are same.

.:: Attribute break :

this attribute is just use in case element . when you want to break the switch statement if the condition of the element and the switch element were be the same , use this attribute. otherwise it will check other cases to end.

.:: Example 1:
<body var="x=2;y=2">
    <switch cond="{{aml:x}}">
        this text will not be shown
        <case cond="{{aml:y}}">It is Y</case>
        <case cond="4" break>It is 4</case>
        <case cond="{{js:return 2}}">It is 2</case>
.:: Output Content:
It is Y
It is 2
.:: Example 2:
<body var="x=3;y=4">
    <switch cond="{{aml:x}}">
        this text will not be shown
        <case cond="{{aml:y}}">It is Y</case>
        <case cond="3" break>It is 3</case>
        <case cond="{{js:return 3}}">It is js:3</case>
.:: Output Content:
It is 3

.: Element if:

with this element you can show or hide any content. it is a condition element.

.:: Example 1:
<body var="x=2">
    <if is="{{aml:x}} == 2">True</if>

is equal to this javascript code.

if(x == 2){
    return "True";
.:: Output Content:
.:: Example 2:
<body var="x=2">
    <if not="{{aml:x}} != 2">True</if>

is equal to this javascript code.

if(!(x != 2)){
    return "True";
.:: Output Content:

.: Element for:

this element is use for show data sequentially(append or replace).

attribute name attribute description
from with this you can initial the loop variable. it must be a number.
to this attribute is for specify the desired value.
infinity if you use this instead of to , it will continue looping to infinity. it has no value.
step with this you can set that how many steps do you want to go forward every loop. it accept number or a time in these formats:[Number][ms,s,m,h]. if you use the time formats it will increase one unit.
stepback it is like step but the difference is that it is mean go to backward. if you use the time formats it will decrease one unit.
is it is a extra conditional attribute , that you can set extra conditions to the loop. it accept javascript language.
append this is a non-value attribute . the element will replace every new data with the old ones in default. but if you use this attribute , it will cause that append data after the old one.

inner the element you can use an AML Variable that is {{aml:for}}. it value is the current value of loop variable.

.:: Example 1:
<body var="x=3" >
    <for from="0" to="5" step="1" is="{{aml:x}} != this.for">
        {{ js: this.parentNode.for = {{aml:for}}; return ""; }}
Output Content:
.:: Example 2:
<body var="x=3" >
    <for from="0" infinity stepback="1s" append>
Output Content:
-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 ...

.: Element go:

with this element you can redirect a page after a time.

.:: Example 1:
<go to="https://google.com"></go>

this will redirect the page to google.com after immediately.

.:: Example 2:
<go to="https://google.com" after="5s"></go>

this will redirect the page to google.com after 5 second. you can use ms,s,m,h

.: Element def:

this is a template element.with this you can define a template of HTML elements.

.:: Example:

Filename: def.html:

<def name="ift">
    <if is="true">true</if>
<def name="iff">
    <if not="false">false</if>

Filename: index.html:

<import src="def.html" parse="html"></import>





.: Element func:

this element is like def but the difference is that in this element you can define input arguments. it is like creating a new element. to add argument you must add attribute like this : [Func Name]-[Attribute Name]= "[Argument Variable]"

.:: Example:

Filename: func.html:

<func name="tedFuncName" tedFuncName-num="x">
    <if is="{{aml:x}} == 3">
        This Is {{aml:x}}
        <for from="0" to="{{aml:x}} * 3" step="1s" append>
            {{js: return System.aml.amlVar(this,"for")}}
    <if not="{{aml:x}} == 3">
        It Is Not 3
        It Is {{aml:x}}

Filename: index.html:

<import src="func.html" parse="html"></import>

<tedFuncName num="3"></tedFuncName>
<tedFuncName num="4"></tedFuncName>


It Is Not 3 
It Is '4'

:: AML Attributes

Besides the elements, Ted js Attributes as well.

.: Attribute change:

this attribute is use for elements that support onchange or oninput event.

    change="[AML Attribute]"
.:: Example:
<input type="text" aml="amlInput"/>
<span change="amlInput">
    {{aml: amlInput_val}}

in this case if you type sumthing in input element , the span element will Reaction to it and will show the value of it.

.: Attribute repeat:

this attribute is use for elements that support onchange or oninput event.


in [Expressions] you must use Expressions in formats bellow:

Expression Description
[Start Number] to [End Number] if you use this Expression ,you will have a loop that start from[Start Number] and end at [End Number].to access the current loop position number you can use {{aml: [tagName]_loop}}
[Variable] in [Object] with this you can loop inside object and Array.
[Object] as [Key Variable]=>[Value Variable] it is like php , you can set any Object And Array as a key and its value.

Remember that every attribute except repeat that you use in the element , will use in copied elements.

.:: Example:
<table var="x=3;g=[1,2,3,4]">
        <tr repeat="0 to {{aml:x}}" style="color:red">
            <td>A: {{return {{aml:g}} [ {{aml:tr_loop}} ]}}</td>
        <tr repeat="i in {{g}}" style="color:blue">
            <td>B: {{aml: i }}</td>
        <tr repeat="{func:function(){},a:1,b:'test'} as key=>value" style="font-size:20px">
            <td>C: {{aml: key }} : {{aml: value }}</td>
Output Source:
<table var="x=3;g=[1,2]">
        <tr repeat="0 to 1" style="color:red">
            <td>A: 1</td>
        <tr style="color:red">
            <td>A: 2</td>
        <tr repeat="i in [1,2]" style="color:blue">
            <td>B: 1</td>
        <tr style="color:blue">
            <td>B: 2</td>
        <tr repeat="{func:function(){},a:1,b:'test'} as key=>value" style="font-size:20px">
            <td>C: 'a' : 1</td>
        <tr style="font-size:20px">
            <td>C: 'b' : 'test'</td>