The platform for tokenizing real–world assets – powered by blockchain.
# install dependencies
npm install
# run development server
npm start
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Code scaffolding
# generate a component
ng g c my-component
# generate a service
ng g s shared/my-service
# generate a feature state (Akita)
ng g @datorama/akita:af my-feature/my-feature --plain --entityService=default
# generate production build. produced artifacts
# will be located in `/dist` directory
npm run build
Try production build
# serve and open in a browser
npm run serve-build
Lint & Test
# run linter (eslint)
npm run lint
# run linter and fix issues
npm run lint:fix
# run tests
npm run test
There are precommit rules set by husky. For more information, check the docs.
Learning Resources
RxJS (Reactive Programming)
- Official Documentation
- Collect, Combine and Cache RxJS Streams for User-Friendly Results by Deborah Kurata
- excellent talk why RxJS is useful and how to use it
- Handling Observables with NgIf and the Async Pipe
Akita (State Management)
- Official Documentation – architecture
TailwindCSS (Utility-First CSS framework)
- Official Documentation
- the best place to get used to class names (use search! it acts as a cheatsheet).
- Adam Wathan (creator) YouTube videos
- excellent place to start picking up patterns on how to think while using the framework,
- the videos about redesigning popular websites are great to see the creative process from the creator's point of view.
- Tailwind Labs YouTube channel
- community channel; great for tips & tricks.
- Official Documentation
Ethers.js (library for interacting with Ethereum Blockchain)
Polygon Network (previously Matic)