Minimum required Java version for running Gradle: 11
Before building the application the database must be up and running in order to execute Flyway migrations and generate
jOOQ code. The database can be started via Docker by running docker-compose up -d
inside the docker
To build the application run ./gradlew build
Before running the application, make sure that the database is up and running.
To run the application run ./gradlew bootRun
There are 3 tests sets:
for unit tests which do not start Spring BootintegTest
for tests which run only partial Spring BootapiTest
for tests which run the entire Spring Boot application
To execute all tests run ./gradlew fullTest
Most of the free RPC providers do not support block filters which this service uses to get contract event history. For that reason, appropriate RPC provider has to be chosen when running this service in the production environment.