common astrophysical microphysics routines with interfaces for the different AMReX codes
- adam-m-jcbsNVIDIA
- AlexsaphirFrance
- AmrodSeregonTechnical University of Munich (TUM)
- awsteinerUTK/ORNL
- ax3lLBNL, previously HZDR
- bbaserdemKoulakov Laboratory
- bbw7561135Yunnan University
- BenWibkingMichigan State University
- berceanuELI-NP
- ChrisDeGrendeleNASA / UCSC
- deionizedoatmealOregon
- drannarosenSan Diego State University
- ensonunImperial College London
- gardner48Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, @LLNL
- geandersoncarvalho
- godkingjaySorsogon State University
- HaxyM
- Jadit19Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- jaharris87ORNL
- jparr721@EspressoSystems
- KedoKudoUT-Battelle
- maxpkatz
- mirguestIHEP
- mrowan137AMD
- omasanoriJapan
- pkesteneCEA
- rjfarmerUK
- rocdat
- rvlobatoTexas A&M University-Commerce
- sbastrakov@Northern-Data-AG, previously HZDR
- ThibFrgsGmzSODERN Arianegroup
- tukss@LANL
- WuShichaoMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
- zingaleStony Brook University