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How GPU works with Fortran interface with pgi compiler
#4276 opened by pyrimidine - 5
- 4
__AMDGCN_WAVEFRONT_SIZE__ and __AMDGCN_WAVEFRONT_SIZE to be deprecated in future ROCM release
#4270 opened by mrowan137 - 1
- 1
Optimisation of Runge-Kutta MultiFab allocation
#4263 opened by the-florist - 2
runtime ERROR for 3D case
#4249 opened by spring-png - 1
Arbitrary components for the ReduceToPlane function?
#4261 opened by pkufourier - 3
Material regarding the MLMG
#4216 opened by nibblelab - 2
- 0
Expose nvcc --objdir-as-tempdir?
#4245 opened by timrlaw - 1
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The build of libamrex with GNUMakefile with HDF5 lost the copy of AMReX_PlotFileUtilHDF5.H
#4212 opened by pkufourier - 2
AMReX seems to fail with HDF5 1.14.5
#4204 opened by jrood-nrel - 1
quadtree and octree structure
#4203 opened by Maccchiatooo - 2
The WriteMultiLevelPlotfile or Paraview seems to overflow for large data sheet
#4167 opened by pkufourier - 0
Possible RedistributeGPU optimizations
#4179 opened by atmyers - 4
The VisMF::Read seems to have a rather slow effciency
#4159 opened by pkufourier - 0
document TinyProfileParser
#4160 opened by BenWibking - 1
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Clarification w.r.t FillBoundary vs. FillPatch
#4112 opened by desjardi - 6
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Fortran interface compilation issue with `nvhpc`
#4111 opened by ylee88 - 13
Problem with the mesh
#4108 opened by Maccchiatooo - 13
Write multiple variables in the same output
#4105 opened by Maccchiatooo - 4
`amrex::ParmParse::dumpTable` shows duplicate values
#4087 opened by ax3l - 1
what is the meaning of regrid(0, time) in the AmrCoreAdv::timeStepNoSubcycling routine.
#4099 opened by ztdepztdep - 7
Easiest way to access boxes in fortran
#4094 opened by desjardi - 1
How to Create MultiFabs Only in the Root Process When Running a Program with Multiple CPUs?
#4092 opened by ztdepztdep - 3
How to extract multilevel data along some line
#4074 opened by ztdepztdep - 1
RemakeLevel() ? MakeNewLevelFromCoarse()
#4076 opened by ztdepztdep - 6
how to know the number of all "leaf" cells.
#4082 opened by ztdepztdep - 2
ParmParse prefix interface
#4084 opened by bsrunnels - 2
Periodicity with multiple layers of ghost nodes
#4045 opened by bsrunnels - 0
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need help with compilation issue
#4070 opened by Maccchiatooo - 0
Conduit/Ascent is Broken for Pure SoA Particles
#4062 opened by ax3l - 3
hypre GPU run failing at run time
#4054 opened by hsitaram - 3
HDF5 + managed memory off
#4007 opened by marchdf - 4
FMM using Amrex (or pyamrex)
#4026 opened by a-jp - 2
Choose a base code for 3D BN equation
#3989 opened by zc891214 - 4
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which function calls the ParallelCopy_nowait() , it consumes 58.44 % of cose in my program
#4001 opened by ztdepztdep - 4
does fextract support extract values at a points.
#4023 opened by ztdepztdep - 7
efficient parallelism with ParticleContainer
#4027 opened by S-Explorer - 6
HDF5 error on WriteSingleLevelPlotfileHDF5
#4033 opened by mirenradia - 1
Ability to set AMREX_CUDA_ARCH to sm_80
#4019 opened by AlexanderSinn - 0
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tests fail if only 1 GPU on compute node
#3981 opened by BenWibking