An adaptive mesh hydrodynamics simulation code for low Mach number reacting flows without level sub-cycling.
- 23
Wall boundary conditions (e.g. NoSlipWallIsothermal) do lead to wrong behaviour using the soret effect.
#389 opened by stfsschneider - 0
- 6
- 4
Import 3D mesh
#407 opened by barbariansubhkaran - 10
Hydrostatic condition for open domain
#91 opened by mameehan5 - 0
Potential incomplete updated GNUMakefile
#405 opened by yeanment - 9
- 16
Unnecessary code after mac FillPatchTwoLevels?
#386 opened by marchdf - 4
- 4
- 2
Hanging during initialisation with EB
#364 opened by ThomasHowarth - 21
Non-unity Lewis number
#337 opened by bazharz - 1
pelelm.incompressible flag segfaults
#340 opened by ThomasHowarth - 9
- 5
Repository size is too large
#307 opened by esclapez - 3
Reading plt files using self-made python script?
#288 opened by bazharz - 0
PremBunsen3D crashes
#311 opened by baperry2 - 2
- 1
Add test coverage for Efield cases
#289 opened by baperry2 - 2
peleLM.isothermal_EB = 1 causes CUDA error 700 - illegal memory access was encountered !!!
#237 opened by taaresh1 - 1
Post-processing plt files
#226 opened by bazharz - 3
Reading input data from HDF5 file
#221 opened by bazharz - 3
Auto-ignition in CounterFlow case with lu_88sk
#238 opened by Alex-jian522 - 1
Default value of active_control.velMax
#232 opened by olivecha - 5
Rough walls
#229 opened by czc-zju - 6
Compilation in a cluster using a new mechanism model
#227 opened by bazharz - 4
Question about combustion simulation
#213 opened by CAIROCharlie - 4
Reading 2D temperature field
#203 opened by bazharz - 2
Error on building: `fatal error: sundials/sundials_context.h: No such file or directory`
#214 opened by FR13ndSDP - 17
Multiple processors issue
#195 opened by bazharz - 2
OMP problem?
#199 opened by jckim1201 - 0
Developments shopping list
#156 opened by esclapez - 7
- 14
- 1
In the combustion simulation,can I fix the mass fraction of species on the bc?
#133 opened by Here-Liu - 5
AMR criteria using HeatRelease
#102 opened by mameehan5 - 17
#95 opened by czc-zju - 8
Failure of tutorial PremBunsen2D
#88 opened by mameehan5