Code to turn PA power on and off with Tx

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Trying to add ability to turn on LED1 when in TX mode and to turn PA power on and off. Can not get this to work properly. Please review attached code.


  • TncTask.c
  • Created on: Dec 1, 2022
  •  Author: g0kla
  • This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  • it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  • the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  • (at your option) any later version.
  • This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  • GNU General Public License for more details.
  • You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  • along with this program. If not, see


#include "ctype.h"

#include "pacsat.h"
#include "ax5043_access.h"
#include "ax5043-ax25.h"
#include "TxTask.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "os_task.h"
#include "ax25_util.h"
#include "RxTask.h"
#include "nonvolManagement.h"

void radio_set_power(uint32_t regVal);
bool tx_make_ui_packet(char *from_callsign, char *to_callsign, uint8_t pid, uint8_t *bytes, int len, rx_radio_buffer_t *tx_radio_buffer);
bool tx_make_packet(AX25_PACKET *packet, rx_radio_buffer_t *tx_radio_buffer);

static rx_radio_buffer_t tx_packet_buffer; /* Buffer used when data copied from tx queue /
static rx_radio_buffer_t tmp_packet_buffer; /
Buffer used when constructing new packets. */
static AX5043Device device = TX_DEVICE;
extern bool monitorPackets;

/* Test Buffer PB Empty */
//uint8_t byteBuf[] = {0xA0,0x84,0x98,0x92,0xA6,0xA8,0x00,0xA0,0x8C,0xA6,0x66,
// 0x40,0x40,0x17,0x03,0xF0,0x50,0x42,0x3A,0x20,0x45,0x6D,0x70,0x74,0x79,0x2E,0x0D};

portTASK_FUNCTION_PROTO(TxTask, pvParameters) {

vTaskSetApplicationTaskTag((xTaskHandle) 0, (pdTASK_HOOK_CODE)TxTaskWD );
InitInterTask(ToTxTask, 10);

// printf("Initializing TX\n");

/* This is defined in pacsat.h, declared here */
xTxPacketQueue = xQueueCreate( TX_PACKET_QUEUE_LEN, sizeof( rx_radio_buffer_t ) );
if (xTxPacketQueue == NULL) {
    /* The queue could not be created.  This is fatal and should only happen in test if we are short of memory at startup */
    ReportError(RTOSfailure, TRUE, CharString, (int)"FATAL ERROR: Could not create TX Packet Queue");

bool rate = ReadMRAMBoolState(StateAx25Rate9600);
ax5043StartTx(device, ANT_DIFFERENTIAL);
// Add seletable Tx power levels  N5BRG  240516
//radio_set_power(0x020); // minimum power to test RF output on AX5043
//radio_set_power(0x0800); // midrange power to test RF output on AX5043
radio_set_power(0x0fff); // maximum power to test RF output on AX5043

/* Set Power state to FULL_TX */
 ax5043WriteReg(device, AX5043_PWRMODE, AX5043_PWRSTATE_FULL_TX);
 //Turn on the LED1 if off for TX    N5BRG   240519
 GPIOSetOn(SSPAPower); //The switch is inverted, Turn on PA power  240519  N5BRG

// Add power on TX here

while(1) {

    uint8_t pktstart_flag = 0x01;
    uint8_t pktend_flag = 0x02;
    uint8_t raw_no_crc_flag = 0x18; // Flag of 0x18 is RAW no CRC
    uint8_t preamble_length = 32; // 10 for 1200 bps - Radio lab recommends 32 for 9600, may need as much as 56.
    if (rate == RATE_1200) {
        preamble_length = 10;
    BaseType_t xStatus = xQueueReceive( xTxPacketQueue, &tx_packet_buffer, CENTISECONDS(10) );  // TODO - adjust block time vs watchdog
    if( xStatus == pdPASS ) {
        if (monitorPackets)
            print_packet("TX", tx_packet_buffer.bytes, tx_packet_buffer.len);

        /* Data was successfully received from the queue */
        int numbytes = tx_packet_buffer.len;
        //        printf("FIFO_FREE 1: %d\n",fifo_free());
        ax5043WriteReg(device, AX5043_FIFOSTAT, 3); // clear FIFO data & flags
        fifo_repeat_byte(device, 0x7E, preamble_length, raw_no_crc_flag); // repeat the preamble bytes  ///  TODO - no preamble for back to back packets
        fifo_queue_buffer(device, tx_packet_buffer.bytes, numbytes, pktstart_flag|pktend_flag);
        //       printf("FIFO_FREE 2: %d\n",fifo_free());
        //       printf("INFO: Waiting for transmission to complete\n");

        // TODO - we need to support longer packets
        // Setup the interrupt to tell us when the buffer is empty and we can check the TX status then
        while (ax5043ReadReg(device, AX5043_RADIOSTATE) != 0) {
            vTaskDelay(1); // this will yield and allow other processing while it transmits
        //Turn off the LED1 if on    N5BRG   240519
        GPIOSetOff(SSPAPower); //The switch is inverted, Turn off PA power  240519  N5BRG

        //       printf("INFO: Transmission complete\n");



  • Pout = Pmax * txpwrcoeffb / (2^12 - 1)
  • Where Pmax = 0dBm
  • FFF is max

void radio_set_power(uint32_t regVal) {
ax5043WriteReg(device, AX5043_TXPWRCOEFFB0,regVal);
ax5043WriteReg(device, AX5043_TXPWRCOEFFB1,regVal>>8);


  • tx_make_ui_packet()
  • Create an AX25 packet
  • from and to callsigns are strings with nul termination
  • pid byte is F0, BB or BD
  • bytes is a buffer of length len that is sent in the body of the packet
  • raw_bytes must be allocated by the caller and contains the packet. The length is
  • stored in the first byte, which will not be transmitted.

bool tx_make_ui_packet(char *from_callsign, char *to_callsign, uint8_t pid, uint8_t *bytes, int len, rx_radio_buffer_t *tx_radio_buffer) {
uint8_t packet_len;
uint8_t header_len = 16;
int i;
unsigned char buf[7];
int l = encode_call(to_callsign, buf, false, 0);
if (l != true) return false;
for (i=0; i<7; i++)
tx_radio_buffer->bytes[i] = buf[i];
l = encode_call(from_callsign, buf, true, 0);
if (l != true) return false;
for (i=0; i<7; i++)
tx_radio_buffer->bytes[i+7] = buf[i];
tx_radio_buffer->bytes[14] = BITS_UI; // UI Frame control byte
tx_radio_buffer->bytes[15] = pid;

for (i=0; i< len; i++) {
    tx_radio_buffer->bytes[i+header_len] = bytes[i];
packet_len = len + header_len;
tx_radio_buffer->len = packet_len; /* Number of bytes */

// if (true) {
// for (i=0; i< packet_len; i++) {
// if (isprint(raw_bytes[i]))
// printf("%c",raw_bytes[i]);
// else
// printf(" ");
// }
// for (i=0; i< packet_len; i++) {
// printf("%02x ",raw_bytes[i]);
// if (i%40 == 0 && i!=0) printf("\n");
// }
// }

return true;



  • tx_make_packet()

  • Make an arbitrary packet based on the packet structure

  • Returns true unless there is an error

  • TODO - this should be in ax25_util and be called encode_packet()
    bool tx_make_packet(AX25_PACKET *packet, rx_radio_buffer_t *tx_radio_buffer) {
    uint8_t packet_len;
    uint8_t header_len = 15; // Assumes no PID
    int i;
    unsigned char buf[7];

    // set the control byte
    switch (packet->frame_type) {
    case TYPE_I : {
    packet->control = (packet->NR << 5) | (packet->PF << 4) | (packet->NS << 1) | 0b00;
    header_len = 16; // make room for pid
    packet->pid = 0xF0;
    packet->command = AX25_COMMAND;
    case TYPE_S_RR : {
    packet->control = (packet->NR << 5) | (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_S_RECEIVE_READY);
    case TYPE_S_RNR : {
    packet->control = (packet->NR << 5) | (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_S_RECEIVE_NOT_READY);

     case TYPE_S_REJ : {
         packet->control = (packet->NR << 5) | (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_S_REJECT);
     case TYPE_S_SREJ : {
         packet->control = (packet->NR << 5) | (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_S_SELECTIVE_REJECT);
     case TYPE_U_SABM : {
         packet->command = AX25_COMMAND; // override this as it is always a command
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_U_SABM);
     case TYPE_U_SABME : {
         packet->command = AX25_COMMAND; // override this as it is always a command
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_U_SABME);
     case TYPE_U_DISC : {
         packet->command = AX25_COMMAND; // override this as it is always a command
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_U_DISCONNECT);
     case TYPE_U_DM : {
         packet->command = AX25_RESPONSE; // override this as it is always a response
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_U_DISCONNECT_MODE);
     case TYPE_U_UA : {
         packet->command = AX25_RESPONSE; // override this as it is always a response
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_UA);
     case TYPE_U_FRMR : {
         packet->command = AX25_RESPONSE; // override this as it is always a response
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_U_FRAME_REJECT);
     case TYPE_U_UI : {
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_UI);
         header_len = 16; // room for pid, which has to be set in the packet already
     case TYPE_U_XID : {
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_U_EXCH_ID);
     case TYPE_U_TEST : {
         packet->control = (packet->PF << 4) | (BITS_U_TEST);
     default : {
         debug_print("ERR: Invalid frame type\n");
         return FALSE;


    // We are using V2, so both calls encode the command bit:
    int command = packet->command & 0b1;
    int command2 = 0;
    if (command == 0) command2 = 1;
    int l = encode_call(packet->to_callsign, buf, false, command);
    if (l != true) return false;
    for (i=0; i<7; i++)
    tx_radio_buffer->bytes[i] = buf[i];
    l = encode_call(packet->from_callsign, buf, true, command2);
    if (l != true) return false;
    for (i=0; i<7; i++)
    tx_radio_buffer->bytes[i+7] = buf[i];

    tx_radio_buffer->bytes[14] = packet->control;

    // If we have a pid then set it here
    if (header_len == 16)
    tx_radio_buffer->bytes[15] = packet->pid;

    // If there are data bytes then add them here
    if (packet->data_len > 0)
    for (i=0; i< packet->data_len; i++) {
    tx_radio_buffer->bytes[i+header_len] = packet->data[i];
    packet_len = packet->data_len + header_len;
    tx_radio_buffer->len = packet_len; /* Number of bytes */

// if (true) {
// for (i=0; i< packet_len; i++) {
// if (isprint(raw_bytes[i]))
// printf("%c",raw_bytes[i]);
// else
// printf(" ");
// }
// for (i=0; i< packet_len; i++) {
// printf("%02x ",raw_bytes[i]);
// if (i%40 == 0 && i!=0) printf("\n");
// }
// }

return true;


  • tx_send_ui_packet()
  • Create and queue an AX25 packet on the TX queue
  • from and to callsigns are strings with nul termination
  • pid byte is F0, BB or BD
  • bytes is a buffer of length len that is sent in the body of the packet
  • The TX takes are of HDLC framing and CRC

bool tx_send_ui_packet(char *from_callsign, char *to_callsign, uint8_t pid, uint8_t bytes, int len, bool block) {
//uint8_t raw_bytes[AX25_PKT_BUFFER_LEN];
bool rc = tx_make_ui_packet(from_callsign, to_callsign, pid, bytes, len, &tmp_packet_buffer);
TickType_t xTicksToWait = 0;
if (block)
xTicksToWait = CENTISECONDS(1);
BaseType_t xStatus = xQueueSendToBack( xTxPacketQueue, &tmp_packet_buffer, xTicksToWait );
if( xStatus != pdPASS ) {
The send operation could not complete because the queue was full */
debug_print("TX QUEUE FULL: Could not add UI frame to Packet Queue\n");
// TODO - we should log this error and downlink in telemetry
return false;

return true;



  • tx_send_packet()
  • Create and queue an AX25 packet based on the packet structure
  • Returns false if there is an issue
  • Channel is passed in but not yet implemented. Only 1 TX channel is assumed
  • NOTE - we have a mix of errors which could return FALSE. If this is called from iFramePops then
  • the failure causes the I-Frame to be put back on the queue. That means logic errors will
  • repeat in a loop. They should be logged but return TRUE as we want to ignore the
  • bad data. That seems to be safer than locking up the BBS with a bad packet in a loop.

bool tx_send_packet(AX25_PACKET *packet, bool expedited, bool block) {
bool rc = tx_make_packet(packet, &tmp_packet_buffer);
if (rc == FALSE) {
debug_print("LOGIC ERROR: Invalid packet. Packet not sent\n");
return TRUE; // return true here as we do not want to repeat this bad packet. Data is dropped
// print_packet("TX_SEND: ", &tmp_packet_buffer[1], tmp_packet_buffer[0]);

TickType_t xTicksToWait = 0;
BaseType_t xStatus = pdFAIL;
if (block)
    xTicksToWait = CENTISECONDS(20); // wait for about 255/1200 seconds, which is long enough to clear a packet from TX or several packets at 9600bps.
if (expedited)
    xStatus = xQueueSendToFront( xTxPacketQueue, &tmp_packet_buffer, xTicksToWait );
    xStatus = xQueueSendToBack( xTxPacketQueue, &tmp_packet_buffer, xTicksToWait );
if( xStatus != pdPASS ) {
    /* The send operation could not complete because the queue was full.  The caller should log this error. */
    return FALSE;

return TRUE;




bool tx_test_make_packet() {
debug_print("## SELF TEST: tx_test_make_packet\n");
bool rc = true;
//uint8_t raw_bytes[AX25_PKT_BUFFER_LEN]; // position 0 will hold the number of bytes
char *from_callsign = "PACSAT-12";
char *to_callsign = "AC2CZ-2";
uint8_t pid = 0xbb;
uint8_t bytes[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
uint8_t len = 10;
rc = tx_make_ui_packet(from_callsign, to_callsign, pid, bytes, len, &tmp_packet_buffer);

BaseType_t xStatus = xQueueSendToBack( xTxPacketQueue, &tmp_packet_buffer, CENTISECONDS(1) );
if( xStatus != pdPASS ) {
    /* The send operation could not complete because the queue was full */
    debug_print("TX QUEUE FULL: Could not add to Packet Queue\n");
    rc = FALSE;

if (rc == FALSE) {
    debug_print("## FAILED SELF TEST: pb_test_status\n");
} else {
    debug_print("## PASSED SELF TEST: pb_test_status\n");
return rc;
