
Networked Media Open Specifications: Introduction

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Networked Media Open Specifications

NMOS is a family name for specifications produced by the Advanced Media Workflow Association related to networked media for professional applications.

For a non-technical introduction to NMOS see AMWA's overview page and NMOS Roadmap.

The tables below list the current specifications and provide links to their documentation on specs.amwa.tv. The "Release" links will take you to the documentation and download page (↓) for the latest release of recent versions of the specification.

The tables no longer include direct links to the GitHub repos. These are available through the NMOS CI Dashboard.

The NMOS API Testing Tool supports the majority of these specifications.

The tables below are organised by theme. To see them organised by document type, click here

{% for theme in site.data.themes %}

{{ theme.name }}

{{ theme.description}}

{% include specs_by_theme_table.html filter_theme=theme.id show_releases=true %}

{% endfor %}

The table of NMOS specs is no longer contained in this README, but is generated on demand from YAML files in each spec repo and rendered at https://specs.amwa.tv/nmos:

NMOS Spec Render