Open a command prompt and run this command:
git clone c:\o3de-demo
Running Editor.cmd
will run the Editor and also run Install.cmd
for you to make sure Python is installed and the engine is registered.
The Asset Processor will open and take some time to prepare the assets and then you're ready!
Running Game.cmd
will run the Game (launcher) and also run Install.cmd
for you to make sure Python is installed and the engine is registered.
The Asset Processor will also open but if you've already run the Editor it shouldn't need to process any additional assets.
o3de-sdk <-- o3de SDK
demo-project <-- project folder
Editor.cmd <-- shortcut to run editor
Game.cmd <-- shortcut to run game
Install.cmd <-- shortcut to get python and register the engine
- work on game files in the
folder - work on art and other files likely stored in an
folder that engineers do not use
- clone the engine fork into c:\o3de-demo\o3de and register it
- modify engine and game code
- create and upload new builds for non-engineers
copies binary files frombuild\windows_vs2019\bin\profile
These are the basic steps I followed to create this layout.
# make the repository folder
mkdir c:\o3de-demo
cd c:\o3de-demo
# init the git repo
git init .
git checkout -b main
git remote add origin
# add .gitignore, .gitattributes (from o3de), LICENSE.txt, and .cmd shortcuts
# clone the o3de fork into o3de folder
git clone
# make own branch
git checkout -b demo
# get python
cd o3de
# rename engine to o3de-demo
scripts\o3de.bat edit-engine-properties --engine-path . -enn o3de-demo
# commit changes
git add . && git commit -sm "changed engine name"
git push -u origin demo
# configure
cmake -B build/windows_vs2019 -G "Visual Studio 16" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH=d:\git\3rdParty\ -DLY_VERSION_ENGINE_NAME=o3de-demo -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\o3de-demo\o3de-sdk
# build sdk - outputs to c:\o3de-demo\o3de-sdk
cmake --build build/windows_vs2019 --target INSTALL --config profile -- -m
# create the project - 5 seconds
scripts\o3de.bat create-project --project-path c:\o3de-demo\demo-project
# register project with sdk - important thing is the project.json has the correct engine name in it "o3de-demo"
scripts\o3de.bat register --project-path ../demo-project
# configure project
cd c:\o3de-demo\demo-project
cmake -B build/windows_vs2019 -G "Visual Studio 16" -DLY_3RDPARTY_PATH="d:/git/3rdparty"
# build project
cmake --build build/windows_vs2019 --target Editor demo-project.GameLauncher --config profile -- -m
# run CreateBuild.cmd to copy project binary files into demo-project/bin
cd ..
# commit the project
git add . && git commit -sm "added project"
git push -u origin main --force