
Heat Control - Server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

===================== home_automation

home_automation currently offer only one application to manage a home heating system. It work with a client (hc-client only available at this time). The server is responsible for :

  • holding the configuration
  • offering a web GUI to the home heating system
  • deciding if a heater need to be activated or not given the rules and temperature records

===================== Pre-install

home_automation uses a database like any django application. It is recommanded to create it before installing the application.

  • Create a mysql database "mysql -u root -p" then inside the mysql shell : "CREATE DATABASE home_automation;" "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON home_automation.* to home_automation@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'secret_password';" "commit;" "quit;"
  • Extract the tarball into a directory
  • Put your 'secret_password' from previous steps into the file 'home_automation/settings.py'
  • Generate and store a SECRET_KEY in 'home_automation/settings.py' (key used to make hashes)
  • Launch this command to initialize the database : 'python manage.py syncdb heat_control'
  • If not asked at the previous step you can create a superuser with this command : 'python manage.py createsuperuser'

============================ Install

Launch 'sudo install.sh', this will :

  • copy needed files into '/srv/home_automation'
  • launch 'python manage.py collectstatic' which will copy static files into '/srv/static/' (parameter STATIC_ROOT into 'home_automation/settings.py')
  • change the owner to 'www-data/www-data' for the two directories

Manually copy the file 'home_automation/settings.py' into '/srv/home_automation/home_automation/settings.py' and update it :

  • review INTERNAL_IPS and ALLOWED_HOSTS for your configuration

Then you will need to set an application file for gunicorn in '/etc/gunicorn'. An example file can be found in 'docs/'.

============================ Post-install

Reload gunicorn : 'sudo service gunicorn restart'

Add this part into '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default' to serve static files : upstream django { server; } server { location / { try_files $uri $uri/ @proxy_to_django; } location /static { alias /srv/static; } location @proxy_to_django { proxy_pass http://django; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } }

If prefered you can use Apache instead :

  • activate mod_proxy : 'sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http'

  • activate mod_alias : 'sudo a2enmod alias'

  • Allow override for 'srv' directory, in file '/etc/apache2/apache2.conf' : <Directory /srv/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted

  • Add thoses lines in '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf' <Directory "/srv/static"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all Alias /static /srv/static

       <Proxy /hc/*>
               Order deny,allow
               Allow from all
       ProxyPreserveHost On
       ProxyPass /hc

Reload nginx or apache : 'sudo service nginx reload' or 'sudo service apache2 reload'

============================ Configuration

  • Connect to "http://localhost/hc/admin/" with the superuser login and password
  • Create a new user named 'hc-client' and give him those rights : - Can add heater_history - Can add sensor - Can add heater - Can add temperature
  • Configure and launch 'hc-client' which will detect and populate some sensors and heaters
  • Configure and/or create sensors and heaters
  • Create rules and rulesets and link sensors to it

============================ Requirements

Software :

  • Python 2.7 or above
  • Django 1.6.1 or above
  • django rest-framework
  • highcharts.js (provided in the repository for convenience)
  • jquery.js (provided in the repository for convenience)
  • jquery-ui.js (provided in the repository for convenience)
  • moment.js (provided in the repository for convenience)
  • jquery-ui-daterangepicker.js (provided in the repository for convenience)
  • gunicorn