Frontend workflow automation tool for AngularJS developers
Based on this article
- incremental building with livereload in development mode
- CC-powered AngularJS workflow out-of-the-box
- Closure Compiler minification with advanced optimizations, automatic angularjs annotating and optional source maps
- multiple environments support (see build.json, src/env)
- automated bower dependencies management and index.html updates
- blazing fast SCSS builds via libsass (and third-party sass frameworks support)
Three simple steps for you to start:
- clone it
npm install && bower install
this will perform development build into build/development dir and start web server on localhost:5000
Now you can open http://localhost:5000/build/development/index.html in your browser and start playing with sources.
To create compiled version run
gulp build --type staging
gulp build --type production
Build types definitions can be found in build.json
- Tests runners