Greetings! This is the CSC309 Assignment 4 (Sharing Economy Web App) submission for the AIDA web app. Group members include:
For Windows:
- Go to and install MongoDB.
- Create a new folder somewhere on your file system named data.
- Create a new folder under the data folder named db.
For Windows:
- Open your command window and enter the following code, replacing db_folder_path with the absolute path to the db folder you've made:
mongod --port 27017 --dbpath "db_folder_path"
- Open your command window in the root folder of the app and enter:
npm install
node app.js
- You can now go to the app by going to localhost:3000 in your web browser
For Windows:
- Open your command window and enter the following code, replacing db_folder_path with the absolute path to the db folder you've made:
mongod --port 27017 --dbpath "db_folder_path"
- Open your command window in the root folder of the app and enter:
npm install
npm test
- Mocha should now run and display the tests that are being run.