
A Robot Framework library for React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Robot Framework library for React.

https://travis-ci.org/kitconcept/robotframework-react.svg?branch=master Egg Status Latest Version License


ReactLibrary is a Robot Framework library for React. It currently provides a single 'Wait for React' keyword that makes sure your React application has been fully loaded and can be interacted with.


Install robotframework-react with pip:

$ pip install robotframework-react


In order to write your first robot test, make sure that you include Selenium2Library and ReactLibrary. Create a test.robot file with the following content:

*** Settings ***

Library         Selenium2Library  timeout=10  implicit_wait=0
Library         React Library
Suite Setup     Open browser  https://airbnb.com  chrome
Suite Teardown  Close browser

*** Test Cases ***

Scenario: Wait for react
  Go To  https://airbnb.com
  Wait for react
  Page Should Contain  Airbnb Book unique homes

Scenario: Wait for react with reducer
  Go To  https://airbnb.com
  Wait for react  reducer=headlines
  Page Should Contain  Airbnb Book unique homes