
PHP native project

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Egypt railways


Web app to query train times in Egypt


three tables to descripe the whole application


  • ID descripes the train
  • leaving time
  • arrival time
  • duration of waiting
  • velocity
  • class


  • ID descripes the station's number from Alex to Aswan
  • name descripes governorate


  • train_id descripes the train that will stop
  • start_id descripes the station id that the train leaving from
  • end_id descripes the station id that the train arrive to
  • stop_time descripes arrival time
  • line descripes station line


  • Get start_id and end_id from the user
  • get their ID from the station's table
  • search in the stops table about all the trains that leaves from a station with ID less that or equal the start_id, arrive to a station with ID bigger than or equal the end_id and from the required train's class
Tools and Technologies PHP7, PDO, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS and JQuery
Principles/Patterns Single responsibility and Interface Segregation

screen 1

screen 2

screen 3

screen 3



Clone the repository

foo@bar:~$ git clone https://github.com/Abdulrahmannaser/Micro-blog.git

Then run each of these files through accessing them as end points in ur local host


MIT License