Proiect metode dezvoltare softwere

Primary LanguagePHP


Application Description

A CV sells your skills, experience and shows a prospective employer that you are the right person for the job.

Making a good impression is important in today’s competitive job market. Your CV will be your first contact with employers so it’s essential to get it right. A mistake-free CV says you’re professional and care how you come across. This being said, there are a lot of people who find it difficult to create a competitive CV for a multitude of reasons (ex. lack of techinical skills, not knowing the proper structure for a CV, lack of time).

Given the limited use of a CV and the long periods in-between uses, saving your CV file on your PC will probably lead to losing it and to the need to start all over again. Your workload now shifted from updating your CV to creating one from scratch...and you probably don't want that.

Our application solves all these problems and inconveniences. You simply need to create an account, fill in the blanks, choose the design and you have your CV ready to go. Your data is now saved in you account and you can access it and modify it with ease.

Tips & tricks for a better CV will also be waiting for you on our website. These will help you get a grip on what truly matters when applying for the job you want.

User Stories

  1. As a user, I want CV tips & tricks
  2. As a user, I want to use different CV designs
  3. As a user, I want to update my CV with ease
  4. As a developer, I want a responsive website
  5. As a user I want to edit my profile
  6. As a developer, I want to have automated tests that cover as many scenarios possible on the backend side
  7. As a developer, I want to have a Postman collection of requests, so I can manually test the endpoints
  8. As a user, I need informative resources, based on where I would like to apply,
  9. As a user I want to get recommendations based on my profile
  10. As a user I want to create a CV with ease


See how the application works here.

UML Use Case Diagram

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Bug Reporting

When data from the input fields: work experience, projects, skills and certifications from cv-form.php is written in .json files, unwanted ";" are found in that data. here