
This projects uses Java's OpenGL Library to render low level vector graphics in java programs.

Primary LanguageJava


This projects uses Java's OpenGL Library to render low level graphics in java programs.

It illustrates two scenes, one of an old residential area in Saudi Arabia, and another futuristic one. The scenes are built using 3D and 2D primitive shapes of OpenGL. For example, cubes were used to construct buildings of different designs, clouds, benches, solar panels and bins. Cylinders were used to build satellites and water tanks. And textures were used to simulate shopfronts and the drawings on walls. And other primitive shapes, like a sphere for the masjid dome, quads for cars and icosahedrons for plants and rocks.

Project Poster


Open Graphics Library (OpenGl)

OpenGL is a cross-language, cross-platform application programming interface (API) that's used for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics. This project uses Java OpenGL, which is a wrapper library that allows OpenGL to be used by the Java programming language.

Project Demo

A link to a video demo will be added soon!


The project is well encapsulated, every logical object is written in a separate function that draws it in order to simplify the integration of objects in a scene. This is especially important when dealing with small details that need to be rendered in precise places. The encapsulated functions follow this style:

// The market is one logical building, therfore this function draws it
public static void market(GL gl, GLUT glut){...}
// So is the cilnic
public static void clinic(GL gl, GLUT glut){...}
// The park is one logical *area*, therefore it is also drawn in one peice of code
public static void park(GL gl, GLUT glut){...}
// The car is one logical object, and also one that we wanted to copy many times,
// therfore its header takes in different colors (RGB).
public static void drawCar(GL gl, GLUT glut, float r, float g, float b){...}

This is how objects in the display() [main function] look like:

// Market 
gl.glTranslatef(3f, 0f, 5f);
gl.glScalef(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);
market(gl, glut);


Object Description
Houses Solid cubes were used for the building, as far for the windows and doors the value of z is scaled to look like 2D quads. Modern-House
Market Solid cubes were used and different 2d planes to construct the market.
Masjed There are three main parts in the masjed, quba, the main building and the minaret.The main building was constructed by scaling cubes. The quba was built using a sphere and a cylinder. last part was the minaret the most complex part which used solid torus, cubes, sphere, solid and wired cylinders.
Cars Quads are used to model the car, Triangles to model the side windows and solid torus with line strips to model the tires.
Clinic Solid cubes were colored and scaled.
Parks 2D quad for the grass of the park was used. For the trees, a scaled cube (along y) for the trunk and a scaled dodecahedron for the top.
Satellites Scaled solid was used cylinder to represent the “cycle”, also solid cube to represent column in the back and the one inside the cycle.
Water tanks White cylinders only
Trash bins For the old trash bin, solid cube was used and resized with glScalef(1,1,0.05f) and solid torus for the wheels. While for the new bin, it was modeled using Quads and texture.
Shopfronts Textures on quads were used to simulate graphic shopfronts.
Drawings on walls eTextures on quads were used to simulate abstract drawings.
Wind turbines A scaled cylinder was used for the base and triangles for the turning top.
Solar panels The solar consists of three parts, A plate, pipe and base. The pipe and base both was built using Solid Cylinder. The plate on the other hand consisted of the main plate that was built by scaling and rotating Cubes, and the grid witch used wired cylinder.
Court Different 2D planes & cylinders were used to model the court and baskets.
Studium combination of scaled solid cylinder and solid cube to represent the playground and scaled solid cube for the basket .


Set up OpenGL Library

  1. Launch NetBeans.
  2. Go to Tools > Plugins.
  3. Go to the Downloads tab, then click on Add Plugins.
  4. Select all the plugins you downloaded from OpenGL, then click Open.
  5. Check all the plugins except the GLSL editor module (It does not work in NetBeans 7.1 and above, it causes errors if you try to install it).
  6. Click the Install button.


To run a project, simply open it in NetBeans (File > Open project), then choose Run > Run project (shortcut F6).
