Error: -> Problem opening file: '-dospline'

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I tested out running ngsPSMC using the instructions outlined in the tutorial.

I first ran this script on a single .bam file to generate an input file

./angsd -i S13_2949_trim_cleaned.bam -ref canFam3_withY.fa -out S13_2949_psmcinput -dopsmc 1 -gl 1 -minq 30 -minmapq 30

Looking at the bottom of my .arg file it appears it worked and generated the following output files

-writePSMC 1
1: (still beta, not really working)

    [ALL done] cpu-time used =  4683.03 sec
    [ALL done] walltime used =  4776.00 sec

I then tried running ngsPSMC and am getting the following error:

./ngsPSMC S13_2949_psmcinput.psmc.idx -p "1*4+25*2+1*4+1*6" -dospline 0 -nthreads 8 -nIter 20 -init 1  -theta 0.000233095 -rho 0.005357 >
-> we are in file: main_psmc.cpp function: main_psmc line:187
    -> Version of fname: '/home/sophiepq/GrayFoxWGS/GrayFox1/angsd/ngsPSMC/S13_2949_psmcinput.psmc.idx' is:1
    -> Assuming .psmc.gz file: /home/sophiepq/GrayFoxWGS/GrayFox1/angsd/ngsPSMC/S13_2949_psmcinput.psmc.gz
    -> Assuming .psmc.pos.gz: /home/sophiepq/GrayFoxWGS/GrayFox1/angsd/ngsPSMC/S13_2949_psmcinput.psmc.pos.gz
    -> Problem opening file: '-dospline'

I don't really know what this error means or how to address it. I believe -dospline 0 or -dospline 1 are requirements to run program. I'm not sure whether there is another input file it's looking for that I am missing here.

Hi @squisquater I am having the exact same issue – were you able to resolve it somehow?

Alternatively @ANGSD if you have any ideas why this might be happening your guidance would be much appreciated