
This is a GUI template for ros to control your robot and read data from sensors.

Primary LanguageC++


I was trying to create a RUI-Qt GUI and I had a hard time because there are not many and not clear resources on the Internet. For that reason I am uploading this project for anyone who finds it difficult as well.

ROS_Melodic_Qt_GUI_Template is a Graphical User Interface programmed with Qt framework. It's a useful GUI for any ROS project that allows you to control your Robot and reading data from sensors. You can also generate a qt-ros application package with command catkin_create_qt_pkg but ROS_Melodic_Qt_GUI_Template is simpler and more customisable. Also CMakeLists.txt has the necessary parameters setted up to make it executable.

You can check the GUI by controling turtlesim, press "Teleop" button and move turtle with your keyboard. You can see the specific keys, in "Keys info" button. For installation follow the instructions below.


Install qt build for ROS Melodic.

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-qt-build

Create a catkin workspace or cd if you have already one

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src/

Clone repository to src folder

git clone https://github.com/alexspirou/ROS_Melodic_Qt_GUI_Template.git

Install turtlesim

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-turtlesim

Catkin make

cd ~/catkin_ws/


First run a rosmaster


Run turtlesim in a new terminal

rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node

Open another terminal, source your bashrc file and RUN GUI

source devel/setup.bash
rosrun ros_qt_gui_template ros_qt_gui_template 

NOTE: If you want to edit your project from qtcreator watch this tutorial
