
Generation of Synthetic Populations Library

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status Language


Generation of Connected and Spatialized Synthetic Populations

  • Core abstractions are define in Core module: IPopulation, IEntity, IAttribute and IValue, together with their direct implemented abtractions
  • Population generation algorithm could be find in Gospl module (generation of synthetic population library)
  • Spatialization algorithm could be find in Spll module (Synthetic population localisation library)
  • Network algorithm could be find in Spin module (Synthetic population interaction network)

Maven setup

  • just clone the repository
  • import as Maven project in your favorite IDE

That's done, all dependencies are handle by maven

  • If you want to add dependencies, please insert the corresponding Maven import into the pom.xml of current project you are working on (main pom if it concerns all project)

Maven compile and deploy

  • Run mvn clean compile into root folder to build the different Gen* jar (see in /target folder)
  • If you have a settings.xml correctly configured with bintray credentials, you can deploy the Gen* jar on Bintray using mvn deploy command