
Algorithme d'apprentissage statistique permettant de créer un modèle sur les lignes de commandes des évènements "Création de Processus", afin de détecter des anomalies dans les évènements futurs

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Anomalies dans des lignes de commande à l'aide de chaînes de Markov

Anomaly detection in command lines with Markov chains


This algorithm is a Machine Learning one, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques based on Markov Chains and n-grams. It offers a way to train a theoretical model on command lines datasets considered clean. Once done it can detect malicious command lines on other datasets.

Technologies used

This package uses standards Data Science Python libraries.

Generic badge Made with Jupyter

For ease of installation, it is recommended to use AnoMark after installing Python, conda, and Jupyter Notebooks, with Anaconda.



It is recommended to use the conda package manager.

conda create --name anomark
conda activate anomark

The package has only been tested for Python versions >= 3.9.

conda install python=3.9

Required packages can be found in requirements.txt file.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Project structure

├── anomark-splunk/
   ├── anomark/
   │  ├── ...
   └── README.md
├── apply_model.py
├── csv_data_to_txt.py
├── README_FR.md
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── train_from_csv.py
├── train_from_txt.py
├── data/
    ├── some_training_data.txt
    └── some_data_for_execution.csv
├── models/
    └── some_model.dump
├── notebooks/
   └── Browse_results.ipynb
├── results/
    └── some_result.csv
├── anomark/
   ├── model_handler.py
   ├── model.py
   └── utils/
│     └── data_handler.py
└── tests/
   ├── sample_data
   │  ├── test_data.csv
   │  ├── train_data.csv
   │  └── train_data.txt
   ├── test_data_handler.py
   └── test_model_handler.py

Files with names in italic are here as an indication. They will be created during code execution.

Usage: Training a model

With this code, you can build and execute models. It allows training data creation as well as results exploration.


We consider that we start with a dataset in CSV format, containing a column with command lines data, or with a TXT file with some text in it.

N.B.: We will use the term 'order' to refer to the number of letters the model might consider in the n-grams construction for the training part.

1st option: Training from CSV data

If your data is stored in a CSV file you may use the train_from_csv.py script. It generates a model, and stores it in the ./models folder of the project, prepending the name with the date and hour of creation. There are 3 mandatory flags to use it:

python train_from_csv.py -d DATA_PATH.csv -o ORDER(int) -c COLUMN_NAME

We also supply some flags to train on a defined number of lines from the CSV input. It can be useful when you have all your data (train and test) in the same CSV. The possible options are listed with the help flag -h. Here is an example for execution:

python train_from_csv.py -d data/train_data.csv -o 4 -c CommandLine -n 1000 --randomize

Usually, we will slice a part of the dataset to create a training part from a time-period defined part of the data. We can randomize the selection with the -r flag, and/or indicate the percentage of lines we want to keep with -p.

N.B.: When your data is big you can aggregate each sentence by the number of occurrences and define a count column in your dataframe. Then you supply the count column name to the training script to reduce the required RAM.

2nd option: Training from TXT data

If your data is stored in a TXT file you may use the train_from_txt.py script. It generates a model, and stores it in the ./models folder of the project, prepending the name with the date and hour of creation. There are 2 mandatory fields to use it:

python train_from_txt.py -d DATA_PATH.txt -o ORDER(int)

Resume and output flags

In both cases, you can use two more flags: --output and --resume. The first one is quite explicit, it allows you to specify a custom path and name for your model. The second one allows you to start from an existing model and resume training. To specify the path of the existing model you use the --model flag.

Placeholder flag

You can use the --placeholder flag if you want to train a model without considering the GUID, SID, usernames, and hashes. In the four cases, we replace them with a placeholder after a detection using the following regular expressions:

Module Regex Placeholder
GUID \{?[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}[-–]([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-–]){3}[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}\}? <GUID>
SID S[-–]1[-–]([0-9]+[-–])+[0-9]+ <SID>
User (C:\\Users)\\[^\\]*\\ <USER>
Hash \b(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{20})\b <HASH>

It is a useful flag for reducing the number of false positives. You can edit the regular expressions in the anomark/utils/data_handler.py file.

Filepath Placeholder flag

You can use the --filepath-placeholder flag if you want to train a model without considering the filepath. We replace the filepath with a placeholder after a detection using the following regular expressions:

Module Regex Placeholder
Filepath (?P<opening>\b(?P<montage>[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\])|[\/\\][\/\\](?<!http:\/\/)(?<!https:\/\/)(?:>[?.][\/\\](?:[^\/\\<>:\"|?\n\r ]+[\/\\])?(?P=montage)?|(?!(?P=montage)))|%\w+%[\/\\]?)(?:[^\/\\<>:\"|?\n\r ,'][^\/\\<>:\"|?\n\r]*(?<![ ,'])[\/\\])*(?:(?=[^\/\\<>:\"'|?\n\r;, ])(?:(?:[^\/\\<>:\"|?\n\r;, .](?: (?=[\w\-]))?(?:\*(?!= ))?(?!(?P=montage)))+)?(?:\.\w+)*)|(?:'(?P=opening)(?=.*'\W|.*'$)(?:[^\/\\<>:'\"|?\n\r]+(?:'(?=\w))?[\/\\]?)*')|\"(?P=opening)(?=.*\")(?:[^\/\\<>:\"|?\n\r]+[\/\\]?)*\" <FILEPATH>

It is a useful flag for reducing the number of false positives BUT CAN HAVE CONSEQUENCES REGARDING TRUE POSITIVES. I recommend that you only use this flag if you are dealing with a dataset consisting of command lines from many users who have varied setups and run pretty much any file from any directory under the sun. You can edit the regular expression in the anomark/utils/data_handler.py file.

Usage: Execution of a model on a dataset

As for the execution phase, the use is similar to the training phase. We give the model's location with the -m flag, the dataset path (CSV format) with flag -d, and the column name if different with flag -c.

python apply_model.py -m models/some_model.dump -d data/some_data_for_execution.csv -c COLUMN_NAME

By default, the code works on the data supplied and displays the results in the shell of the 50 most unusual lines according to the model, grouped by unique values.

Several more options are available to further the analysis:

  • Recommended: we can store the results with the -s flag. It will create a result file in CSV format containing several columns: command line, some columns which concatenate the unique values for the other variables provided in the dataset for the same command line (for instance every user concerned, or computers), the model's scoring, and the command lines colored (we will give more information on this point later). The generated file is stored in the ./results folder with a name prepended with the date and hour of creation. We will be able to explore the file with the Browse_results.ipynb notebook.
  • we can transform our testing data with placeholders, similarly to the training phase with the --placeholder flag.
  • we can color the results in the shell with the --color flag. The most unusual letters are displayed in red, as to enhance our comprehension of how the model judges a command line as unusual.
  • we can enable the silent mode in the shell with the --silent flag.
  • we can choose the number of lines displayed in the shell with the -n flag.

N.B.: It is recommended to use the store flag (-s) as soon as we want to dive a bit more into the results, for instance using a notebook.

Results exploration with notebooks

You will find the notebooks in the ./notebooks folder of the project. It is necessary to launch either jupyter-noteboook or jupyter-lab from a parent folder (to access the results files). Jupyter should be installed simultaneously with the Anaconda suite, and you can launch it from the shell (or from the Anaconda navigator). It can also be installed without the Anaconda suite.

Instructions are detailed inside the notebooks.
