mininet environment of MQTT brokers

Primary LanguagePython

MQTTbench Containernet

Containernet configurations:

  • EMQx
  • RabbitMQ
  • VerneMQ
  • HiveMQ


  • GoLang Publisher
  • Python Subscriber

How to run

  1. Clean configuration: sudo mn -c

  2. Start the containernet simulation: sudo python3 mesh_routers.py

    • --type <container_type> -t: MQTT broker cluster type
    • --delay-routers <number>, -d: delay on the router-router link
    • --delay-switch <number>, -c: delay on the router-switch(broker) link
    • --disable-client, -s: no clients in the simulation
    • --ram-limit <ram_size>: ram memory of the brokers (500m, 1g, 2g, ...)
    • --cpu: enable a 16 core machine
    • Example: sudo python3 mesh_routers.py --type emqx -d 5 -c 0 --ram-limit 2g
  3. Start clients/log scripts: ./start_clients.sh

    • --clients <number>: number of pub/sub clients
    • --delay <number>: delay between publishes
    • --messages <number>: number of published messages
    • --qos <0,1,2>: MQTT Quality of Service for pubs and subs
    • --name <path_file>: path of the storage file
    • Example: ./start_clients.sh --clients 5 --delay 2 --messages 50 --qos 2 --name <path>



GoLang script inspired from krylovsk/mqtt-benchmark and available here. The container image is on DockerHub.

The scripts spawn n clients that publish m message every d seconds and store the flight time in a filename file.

  • Syntax: ./mqtt-benchmark --broker tcp://<broker_addr>:<port> --topic <name> --clients <num_clients> --count <msg_clients> --qos <0,1,2> --delay <seconds> --folder <path/to/folder> --file-name <output_filename>

  • Example: docker exec -t mn.pub1 mqtt-benchmark --broker tcp:// --topic test --clients 10 --count 10 --qos 2 --delay 1 --folder experiments/today --file-name sim

  • Modify and push:

    • go to goprojects/src/github.com/mqtt-benchmark/
    • install go install
    • commit and push to github
    • go to goprojects/src/github.com/mqtt-benchmark/docker
    • run ./build_this latest (also with a different tag)


The python subscriber connects, receives m messages and then disconnects. Available in this repo. The container image is on DockerHub.

  • Syntax: as the publisher

  • Example: python3 clients/alpine_container/sub_thread.py -h -t topic -q 2 -m 10 -c 10 --folder experiments/today --file-name sim

  • Modify and push:

    • go to mqttbench_containernet/clients/alpine_container
    • run ./build_this