
A Machine Learning web application that predicts software developer salaries based on country, education, and years of experience. Built with Streamlit and trained on the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2024 data.


  • Salary prediction using Decision Tree Regressor
  • Interactive data exploration and visualization
  • Support for multiple countries and education levels
  • Real-time predictions

Setup Instructions

Using Conda

Create conda environment

    conda create -n salary-pred python=3.12

Activate environment

    conda activate salary-pred

Install required packages

    conda install --yes --file requirements.txt          

Using Pip

Create virtual environment

    python -m venv venv

Activate environment (Windows)


Activate environment (Linux/Mac)

    source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Setup

  1. Download Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2024 data from Stack Overflow
  2. Create a data directory in the project root
  3. Extract and place survey_results_public.csv in the data directory

Running the Application

    streamlit run
  • This is a Web App deployed on streamlit cloud implemented in streamlit.
  • This is a Machine learning based web app which predicts a software engineer's salary on the basis of certain inputs and a model trained on Decision tree predicts the salary
  • The dataset used was from StackOverflow developer's survey 2022
  • I have also implemented some data exploration and visualization in the web App itself

Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 8 54 19 PM

Screenshot 2022-09-27 at 8 54 34 PM

check out my web app on : Click Here