Last year's Advent of Code was quite hard, but I managed to finish it using Python 3. I chose Python 3 to learn something new, as by then I mostly had worked with Python 2.
This year, I don't really think I'll be able to finish the challenge, as I don't think I'll have enough time at my hands - the PS5 has been released and I intend to make it worth it's money during the weekends.
If I do have some spare time, I'd like to up my game a bit and try a few new programming languages. This will work well for the first few days, but might turn out as a very bad idea for the later ones (especially, if there will be a shared component again, that will either have to have a compatible API for all the languages used, or will have to be translated to the day's new language - and to be honest, I don't really look forward to that one.)
The following days are finished:
- Day 01: Python 3
- Day 02: Rust
- Day 03: Javascript
- Day 04: LUA
- Day 05: Fortran (modern)
- Day 06: Free Pascal
- Day 07: PHP