
Edit Visual Studio project files using Node.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Edit Visual Studio project files using Node.js

This library allows you to add files to be included in a .csproj and .sln file. For example, any templates created by Node.js code generators can be included in compilation of the Visual Studio solution.


    npm install node-csproj-util


Reading from a .sln file

    var { Solution } = require('node-csproj-util');
    (async function() {
        const sln = new Solution('examples/TestSolution/TestSolution.sln');
        await sln.read();

Reading from a .proj file

Project in a solution:

        const proj = sln.projects[0];
        await proj.read();

Directly loading a project:

        const proj = new Project({ filePath: 'examples/TestSolution/TestProject/TestProject.csproj' });
        await proj.read();

Adding files to project

        // included in compilation
        // added as content
        await proj.save();

Adding to solution folders

        // you can create or use an existing one
        const folder = sln.addFolder('MyFolder');
        sln.addToFolder(folder, proj);
        await sln.save();

You can create or use an existing one, since they are not actual folders, get them using the Solution.projects property.