FSI tools for partitioned coupling between generic solid and fluid solvers

Primary LanguagePython


FSI tools for partinioned coupling between generic solid and fluid solvers.

Apache License Version 2.0


CUPyDO currently features interfaces for the following solvers:


Furthermore, CUPyDO features two interpolation alogrithms:

  • Radial Basis Functions (RBF)
  • Thin Plate Spline (TPS)

Finally, CUPyDO features two main couplers:

  • Block-Gauss-Seidel (BGS) with
    • constant (static) relaxation
    • Aitken relaxation
  • Interface Quasi-Newton with
    • Inverse Least-Square (IQN_ILS)
    • Multi-Vector Jacobian (IQN_MVJ)


Detailed build instructions can be found in the wiki.


Examples of simulations are available in CUPyDO/tests and CUPyDO/cases.



Cerquaglia M.L., Thomas D., Boman R., Terrapon V.E., Ponthot J.-P., A fully partitioned Lagrangian framework for FSI problems characterized by free surfaces, large solid deformations and displacements, and strong added-mass effects, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, in press (2019)

Thomas D., Cerquaglia M.L., Boman R., Economon T.D., Alonso J.J., Dimitriadis G., Terrapon V.E., CUPyDO - An integrated Python environment for coupled multi-physics simulations, Advances in Engineering Software 128:69-85 (2019)

Thomas David, Efficient and flexible implementation of an interfacing Python-based tool for numerical simulations of fluid-structure interaction problems, PhD thesis, University of Liège, 2020.