- 4
TYPO3 12 compatibility
#82 opened by dogawaf - 2
Remove "cache_" prefix
#81 opened by infabo - 3
v10.3.2: TYPO3 Exception - $restlerBuilder must not be accessed before initialization
#77 opened by cschnell - 1
Intelephense complains about "undefined types"
#65 opened by rowild - 1
- 1
Add an option to easily change request language
#69 opened by soee - 1
unable to install aoe/restler via composer
#74 opened by mediaessenz - 4
Too few arguments to function Aoe\Restler\System\RestlerBuilderAware::__construct(), 0 passed
#71 opened by infabo - 1
Cyclic middleware dependencies in restler v9
#70 opened by tmotyl - 2
- 1
Swagger API overview shows an "INVALID" entry
#66 opened by rowild - 2
Installation fails on ddev TYPO3 10.4.17, php 7.4
#64 opened by rowild - 1
typo3cache doesn’t respect defaultGetVars
#21 opened by saneinsane - 7
Calling either "/api_explorer/" or e.g. "api/internal_endpoint/cars/2/" triggers Call to undefined method TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\Backend\NullBackend::getCacheDirectory()
#28 opened by nostadt - 6
v9 middleware registration
#39 opened by infabo - 4
v9 Create and Delete extbase Objects
#42 opened by develth - 2
- 2
- 10
TYPO3 v9 compatibility
#52 opened by gf-luka - 2
Requirement "luracast/restler" version with date suffix - no matching package found
#54 opened by nimayneb - 8
- 14
Update luracast/restler fork
#31 opened by infabo - 2
Using url versioning
#30 opened by MassieurHunter - 6
- 3
Local File Disclosure
#25 opened by CCrashBandicot - 10
Compatibility to 8
#12 opened by susannemoog - 4
Invalid requirements in composer.json
#20 opened by dwenzel - 2
TS-Configuration not fully loaded
#17 opened by hoswmph - 0
&L is not added to url generted with TypoLink - Loader should call calculateLinkVars()
#18 opened by tmotyl - 7
ClassLoading fails
#16 opened by tbmph - 3
Unterschied zwischen GET und POST?
#15 opened by hallihallo1 - 2
Can TYPO3_Restler handle label translation (xlf)?
#13 opened by tmotyl - 2
Error when installing TYPO3_restler with composer
#11 opened by tmotyl - 2
Require ([..]/autoload.php) failed
#9 opened by BenjaminBeck - 5
Calling api_explorer fails with 404 when required extension is set to restler_examples
#7 opened by dwenzel - 1
Fatal error caused by wrong path in Loader
#6 opened by dwenzel - 2
7 LTS Compatibility
#4 opened by jmverges - 3
[CLEANUP] Branch feature/composer
#3 opened by vdespa - 3
Cannot load extension in EM
#1 opened by xperseguers - 0
#2 opened by malbusberger