
Compare the difference in version numbers between aosc-os-abbs and repo

Primary LanguageRust

treevsrepo / 照妖镜

A simple tool to expose package version discrepancies between the aosc-os-abbs tree and the community repository.


    treevsrepo [OPTIONS] --tree <TREE>

    -a, --arch <ARCH>...     Set search arch
    -h, --help               Print help information
    -m, --mirror <MIRROR>    Set mirror [default: https://repo.aosc.io]
    -o, --output <OUTPUT>    Output result to file
    -r, --retro              Set branch (retro/non-retro)
    -t, --tree <TREE>        Set tree directory. e.g: /home/saki/aosc-os-abbs
    -V, --version            Print version information

For instance, to check for version discrepancies for the amd64 architecture:

treevsrepo -a amd64 -t /path/to/tree

To output a list of packages with version discrepancies:

treevsrepo -a amd64 -t /path/to/tree -o groups/version-diff

Installing or Building

This tool is available from the AOSC OS community repository as the treevsrepo package. Install via the following command:

sudo apt install treevsrepo

Or, you may build this package with a Rust toolchain:

cargo build --release

And the resulting binaries should be found in the ./target/release directory.