
GOV.UK PaaS - Cloud Foundry

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This repository contains Concourse pipelines and related Terraform and BOSH manifests that allow provisioning of CloudFoundry on AWS.


The following components needs to be deployed in order. They should be destroyed in reverse order so as not to leave any orphaned resources:

  1. Deployer Concourse
  2. CloudFoundry

The word environment is used herein to describe a single Cloud Foundry installation and its supporting infrastructure.

Deployer Concourse

This runs within an environment and is responsible for deploying everything else to that environment, such as AWS infrastructure and CloudFoundry. It should be kept running while that environment exists.

It is deployed using paas-bootstrap. Follow the instructions in that repo to create a concourse instance using the deployer-concourse profiles etc.


The deployer concourse is responsible for deploying CloudFoundry and supporting services for the platform.


  • You will need a working Deployer Concourse. which will be responsible for provisioning and deploying your infrastructure. (Follow the instructions in paas-bootstrap to create a deployer concourse).
  • You will need access to the credentials store.

Upload the necessary credentials. This step assumes that the credentials repository and tooling (paas-pass) has been installed. If you do not currently have access to the credentials store you may ask a team member to do this step on your behalf.

make dev upload-all-secrets

Deploy the pipeline configurations using make. Select the target based on which AWS account you want to work with. For instance, execute:

make dev pipelines

if you want to deploy to DEV account.


Run the create-cloudfoundry pipeline. This configure and deploy CloudFoundry.

Run make dev showenv to show environment information such as system URLs.

Run make dev credhub to get access to the credhub credential store.

This pipeline implements locking, to prevent two executions of the same pipelines to happen at the same time. More details in Additional Notes.

NB: The CloudFoundry deployment (but not the supporting infrastructure) will auto-delete overnight by default.

Shared development environments

In March 2021, we introduced two shared development environments: dev01 and dev02. They are identical to other development environments, other than that they aren't torn down overnight.

To work with them, use their respective dev01 and dev02 Make targets; e.g.

make dev01 showenv
make dev02 pipelines

They were introduced to try to reduce the burden of individuals running their own environments, and having them be very slow to start up in a morning. We opted for two shared environments over having every development environment not shut down overnight because it was cheaper in the long run.


Run the destroy-cloudfoundry pipeline to delete the CloudFoundry deployment, and supporting infrastructure.

Additional notes

Accessing CloudFoundry

To interact with a CloudFoundry environment you will need the following:

To login, you should prefer using your Google account, by logging in using cf login --sso as documented here

Alternatively, you can use cf login as documented here, to log in as the admin user, using the CF admin password from make dev credhub.

Running tests locally

You will need to install some dependencies to run the unit tests on your own machine. The most up-to-date reference for these is the Travis CI configuration in .travis.yml.

Check and release pipeline locking

the create-cloudfoundry pipeline implements pipeline locking using the concourse pool resource.

This lock is acquired at the beginning and released the end of all the pipeline if it finishes successfully.

In occasions it might be required to check the state or force the release of the lock. For that you can manually trigger the jobs pipeline-check-lock and pipeline-release-lock in the job group Operator.

Optionally override the branch used by pipelines

All of the pipeline scripts honour a BRANCH environment variable which allows you to override the git branch used within the pipeline. This is useful for development and code review:

BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) make dev pipelines

Optionally override pipeline self updating

In case you want to prevent pipelines to self update, for example because you want to upload and test changes that you have made while developing, but not yet pushed to the branch pipeline is currently configured to pull from, you can use SELF_UPDATE_PIPELINE environment variable, set to false (true is default): SELF_UPDATE_PIPELINE=false make dev pipelines

Optionally deploy to a different AWS account

See doc/non_dev_deployments.md.

Optionally disable run of acceptance tests

Acceptance tests can be optionally disabled by setting the environment variable DISABLE_CF_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS=true. This is default in staging and prod.


This will only disable the execution of the test, but the job will be still configured in concourse.

Note: SELF_UPDATE_PIPELINE is also disabled because enabling it would result in the first run immediately enabling the acceptance tests again.

Optionally disable run of custom acceptance tests

Custom acceptance tests can be optionally disabled by setting the environment variable DISABLE_CUSTOM_ACCEPTANCE_TESTS=true.


This will only disable the execution of the test, but the job will be still configured in concourse.

Note: SELF_UPDATE_PIPELINE is also disabled because enabling it would result in the first run reverting to default, which is to run the tests.

Optionally disable pipeline locking

Pipeline locking is turned on by default to prevent jobs in the pipeline run while previous changes are still being applied. You can optionally disable this by setting the environment variable DISABLE_PIPELINE_LOCKING=true. This is default in dev to speed up pipeline execution.


Self update pipeline has to be disabled, otherwise it would revert to default value in the pipeline and unlock job would fail since pipeline was not locked before it self updated.

Optionally run specific job in the create-cloudfoundry pipeline

create-cloudfoundry is our main pipeline. When we are making changes or adding new features to our deployment we many times wish to test only the specific changes we have just made. To do that, it's many times enough to run only the job that is applying the change. In order to do that, you can use run_job makefile target. Specify the job name you want to execute by setting the JOB variable. You also have to specify your environment type, e.g. JOB=performance-tests make dev run_job.

This will not only tigger the job, but before that it will modify the pipeline to remove passed dependencies for paas-cf in the specified job. This means that your job will pick the latest changes to paas-cf directly, without the need to run the pipeline from start in order to bring the changes forward.

Concourse credentials

When run from your laptop, the environment setup script does not interact with Concourse using long lived credentials. If you need to get persistent Concourse credentials please use make <env> credhub.

Overnight deletion of environments

In order to avoid unnecessary costs in AWS, there is some logic to stop environments and VMs at night:

  • Cloud Foundry deployment: The autodelete-cloudfoundry pipeline will be triggered every night to delete the specific deployment.

In all cases, to prevent this from happening, you can simply pause the pipelines or its resources or jobs.

Note that the Deployer Concourse and MicroBOSH VMs will be kept running.

Morning kick-off of deployment

The pipeline deployment-kick-off can trigger for you the deployment in the morning, so the environment is ready for you before you start work.

This feature is opt-in and must be enable every day by unpausing the deployment-timer resource in deployment-kick-off, either manually or by running:

make dev unpause-kick-off

The deployment-timer would be disabled automatically just after the deployment is kick-off, to prevent the next day to happen again. You can avoid this by pausing the job pause-kick-off


You might need aws-cli installed on your machine to debug a deployment. You can install it using Homebrew or a variety of other methods. You should provide access keys using environment variables instead of providing them to the interactive configure command.

Pingdom checks

Visit Pingdom documentation page

Other useful commands

Type make to get the list of all available commands.