
Welcome to Web Development Using Django internship this repository consists of all the files, resources, and recorded session links which are discussed during the entire training.

  • Introduction
  • installations

  • Initializing repositories
  • Accessing Existing Repositories
  • Adding to Staging area
  • Committing the changes to repository
  • Create a remote repository
  • Adding the remotes

  • Uses of Branching
  • Create Branch
  • Switch to new Branch and back
  • Merge the new branch to Master
  • How to send the branch code to new branch on remote
  • Collaborate on existing projects
  • Collaborate on open source projects
  • Sending pull requests and handling them

  • Python introduction
  • python basics
  • Operators
  • Print funtion
  • Practice files

  • python Loops
  • termination conditions
  • notes

  • Functions
  • DataStructures -List
  • notes

task: Identify all leap years in between our born year to till now.

  • Tuples
  • Sets

  • Comprehensions
    • list comprehensions
    • tuple comprehensions
    • dictionary comprehensions
    • set comprehensions
  • Iterators
  • Generators

  • Lambda
  • Filter
  • Regular Expressions ( re module )

  • Introduction to Python OOP
  • Declaring functions inside the classs
  • Variables inside the class
  • Named and name less objects
  • Constructor, Destructor and __str__

  • Inheritance

     Types of inheritances:
    		-  Single inheritance : one parent and one child
    		-  Multi Level inheritance : level by level
    		-  Multiple inheritance : one child with multiple parent
    		-  Hierarchical inheritance : one parent with multiple child
    		-  Hybrid Inheritance : combines more than one inheritance
  • Polymorphism

  • Encapsulation

  • Abstraction

  • Django Introduction
  • Django Installation
  • Project Creation

  • App Creation
  • Modules in Django Project and App
  • Creating URLs ( static & dynamic )
  • URLs and Views Linking
  • Request and Response

  • Django Templates
    • A Dango template is simple folder whichi is used to store html file.
    • return render(request, '',{}) this {} are used to send a context to the html page.
    • the context is very similar to the python dictionary object.
  • Django Templates Language
    • {'data': name}

  • Data Rendering from Views to Tempaltes
  • Data Rendering from Templates to Views
  • Static File Handling

  1. Models:
    1. Model is a blue print for how we are going to store data. each model is a python class, which is created by inheritancing the django.db.models.Model.
    2. Each attribute of the model is a representation of a database field name.
    3. Each model class maps a single tabular data in the database.
  2. Sync with DataBase
    1. python manage.py makemigration: it will create a new migration file for a new model class.
    2. python manage.py migrate: which is responsible for applying migrations.
  3. Model Creation
  4. Super User:
    1. we need to create a login details(creating a super user).
    2. python manage.py createsuperuser
    3. we need to register the model name in admin.py file, handling admin url. in admin.py file:
      from appname.moedls import model_name

  • Object Relational Mapping
  • ORM Queries
    • CRUD
      • Create
      • Retrieve
      • Update
      • Delete

  • CRUD Operations
    • Create
    • Retrieve

  • CRUD Operations
    • Update
    • Delete

  • Model Forms

    • By Using this django forms we can easly manage the Html forms.
    • And it will provide the data validations.
    • for use this feature we need to create forms.py file in Django app.
  • Email Sending

    • in setting.py we need to write the below lines
     EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
     EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com'
     EMAIL_PORT = 587
     EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'our sender email id'
     EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'password'
    • after that we need to import a module in views.py file
     from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
     email_msg = EmailMessage(sub, body, sender, [receiver_mail])
    • To send a mail we need to turn On the less securty open of our gmail account.


    created a simple django project to send a greeting card, collect name email from user. - complete it by 7th july 2021

  • Templates blocks

    {% include 'htmlFileName' %}

      {% extends 'htmlFileName' %} 
       {% block NameOfTheBlock %}
       {% endblock %}
  • Messages in django

    • Success messages
    • Error messages
    • Worning messages
    • info messages

  • Authentication

  • User Profile Creation

  • Database connections with MySql
    • settings.py
     DATABASES = {
         'default': {
     	'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
     	'NAME': "<dbname>",
     	"USER": 'root',
     	"HOST": 'localhost',
     	"PORT": '3306',
    • pip install mysqlclient (python 3.6)
    • You cannot download mysqlclient from pip for python 3.8. We need to download binary files(wheel) to install in python 3.8
  • File Handling
    • settings.py
     	- MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"media")
     	- MEDIA_URL = "/media/"
    • urls.py
     	from django.conf import settings
     	from django.conf.urls.static import static
     	if settings.DEBUG:
     		urlpatterns+=static(settings.MEDIA_URL,document_root = settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    • template
     <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">