
AWS re-Start Course Curriculum. Duration: October 2023 to February 2024. Instructor: Nick Do


Week 1

Week 1 - Day 1

  • Installation

Week 1 - Day 2

  • OSI Layers - fundamentals
  • Layer 1 - Physical
  • Layer 2 - Data Link
  • Hub vs. Router
  • IPv4 vs. IPv6
  • Local Network vs. Wide Area Network
  • Layer 3 - NETWORK
  • Binary -> Decimal conversion
  • Decimal -> Binary conversion
  • Private IPv4 address classes - class A, class B, class C
  • Subnet masking - subnet division

Week 1 - Day 3

  • Route Tables
  • ARP address resolution protocol
  • IP Routing on Layer 3
  • Layer 3 problems
  • Layer 4 - Transport
  • TCP vs. UDP
  • TCP segments
  • TCP 3 ways handshakes
  • VSCode navigation & shortcut tutorials
  • Markdown

Week 1 - Day 4

  • Encryption types & concept: Plaintext, Algorithm, Key (Symmetric, Public, Private), Ciphertext
  • Symmetric Encryption
  • Assymetric Encrytion
  • Signing & Digital Signature
  • Hashing
  • Hashing vs. Symmetric Encryption
  • Hashing Collision
  • Weak Hashing vs. Strong Hashing
  • Digital Signature of Hash Digest
  • Data Keys, Master Key and key rotation
  • Envelop Encryption
  • End-to-End Encryption
  • Git fundamental git init, git add ., git commit -m "message", git log, git checkout [commit hash]
  • Gitlense as VSCode extension

Week 1 - Day 5

  • git diff [commit hash] to compare the current with past commits
  • git tag "vX.Y.Z"
  • to change tag git tag [new name] [old name] then git tag -d [old tag]
  • to list all tags git tag -l
  • git checkout tags/[tag]
  • git checkout [branch]
  • create branch git branch [branch name]
  • git checkout [branch name], but before that you have to commit unstaged/staged changes
  • git merge [branch name], usually from main branch to pull changes to main
  • git branch -a --merged to see past merged branches
  • git branch -d [branch name], to do delete branches, but this is not recommended
  • Create Repo on Github > Clone to local > make local commit > push changes with git push

Week 2

Week 2 - Day 1

  • Python in REPL mode
  • variable & value assignment
  • integer int/float type float/string type str/boolean type Boolean
  • checking type of variables/values via type(var)
  • getting user input via prompt or terminal waiting via input("input message")
  • string my_str.upper() and my_str.lower() function - in place
  • list and nested list []
  • access item/item of lists
  • check length of list/string via len(my_list) or len(my_str)
  • list in place functions my_list.append(), my_list.insert(), my_list.pop(index=0)
  • my_list.sort() (in-place) vs sorted(my_list) (copy)
  • casting types int(my_string) or str(my_float)
  • type hinting via type assignment
  • no true constant problem in Python

Week 2 - Day 2

  • tupple type similar to list but it is immutable
  • sets type, theory of how git works with my_set.intersection(other_set) & my_set.difference(other_set)
  • dictionary dict type, dict() initialization
  • open() to open files
  • boolean type and logic evaluation
  • if elif else flow control
  • while/break loop

Week 2 - Day 3

  • match/case flow control
  • Enum class via import from enum import Enum
  • match/case and Enum combination for clean flow control
  • for loop with range(x)
  • for loop to iterate over a list
  • list comprehension, quickly transform individual items of a list and put into a new list
  • for loop with access to both index and item of a list with for index,item in enumerate(my_list):
  • for loop with access to key and value of a dict with for k,v in my_dict.items():
  • simple Queue data structure implementation via list
  • functions, pure and impure functions, input/output, side effects
  • in scope and out of scope

Week 2 - Day 4

  • Exception basics
  • assert
  • simple unit testing with assert
  • try/except flow
  • assign Exception into variable for further actions except Exception as e
  • multiple try/except flows
  • try/except/else flow

Week 2 - Day 5

  • class and object concepts
  • creating class and object
  • class: property, method, __dict__ representation
  • simple inheritance
  • inheritance with custom property and method override

Week 3

Week 3 - Day 1

  • sub-modules
  • data transfer object theory (DTO)
  • dataclasses
  • Pydantic package
  • dataclasses vs. Pydantic
  • @classmethod

Week 3 - Day 2

  • Regex, Regex visualizer, Regex testing
  • Integration theory: messaging, file sharing, RPC (includes REST API & gRPC)
  • OSI Layers revision
  • JSON serialization & JSON parsing
  • Postman API Client
  • Testing some public API such as http.cat

Week 3 - Day 3

  • API theory: Data Transfer Object or DTO
  • Building API on top of Pydantic Schema classes
  • HTTP Codes
  • FastAPI input auto-parser via Pydantic classes
  • PUT API building
  • GET API building
  • Distinguish 4 ways to provide data: Header, Body, Path Parameters, Query Parameters
  • API auto-docs

Week 3 - Day 4

  • API auto-docs best practices - including always type hint your API returns
  • Adding basic persistence for API
  • Continuation with API: PUT, GET, DELETE, and GET multiple items

Week 3 - Day 5

  • VSCode debugger setup
  • Debugging techniques
  • Dependency injection theory
  • Testing theory: unit testing, integration testing, end-end testing, smoke testing, regression testing...
  • Pytest unit testing pytest, pytest -s, pytest --vl
  • FastAPI TestClient from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
  • unit testing API

Week 4

Week 4 - Day 1

  • Pytest Fixture
  • Using @pytest.fixture to create new instance of API Client for each test, or set default data
  • Parametizing test functions @pytest.mark.parametrize
  • Data Access Object theory DAO

Week 4 - Day 2

  • Install DB client within VSCode
  • Installing SQLite
  • Playing with Sakila.db

Week 4 - Day 3

  • Python virtual environment venv
  • SQLModel - as a Relational Object Mapping tool (ORM)
  • Revisit DTO, DAO theory
  • Building simple SQL model
  • Building simple API with automatic DTO <-> DAO conversion

Week 4 - Day 4

  • SQL primary key vs index key vs compound index key
  • SQL foreign key constraint
  • Building APIs with SQLModel ORM
  • Learning why we should have dedicated DTO & DAO layers, shouldn't rely on automatic conversion

Week 4 - Day 5

  • Mainly to discuss Assignment 1

Week 5

Week 5 - Day 1

  • Intro to Cloud Computing
  • IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS
  • Platform engineering responsibility

Week 5 - Day 2

  • Advantages of Cloud Computing
  • What is AWS?
  • AWS Pricing Model and unit cost charges
  • FinOps
  • Total Cost of Ownership comparison
  • AWS API vs. Management Console vs. CLI vs. SDK

Week 5 - Day 3

  • AZ, and why use 3 AZs
  • Region
  • Local services vs. Global services (domain name services DNS, IAM, CDN)
  • POP = Edge Locations + Edge Caches
  • CDN
  • Storage Services overview
  • Networking Services overview
  • Security Services overview
  • Management Services overview - Landing Zone and why split AWS accounts
  • Integration Services overview

Week 5 - Day 4

  • Shared responsibility model examples (Self managed DB vs. RDS)
  • S3 Service concepts
  • S3 Tiers
  • S3 DNS overview
  • S3 Cost charges model
  • EC2 recommended usecases
  • Create EC2 instance
    • AMI & Golden Image practice
    • Instance Type, Instance family & size
    • Network settings, high availability setups
    • IAM Role, Instance profile
    • User data script
    • Instance Store vs. EBS drives
    • Tag & ABAC
    • TBC...

Week 5 - Day 5