
Mark 98% Topics: Python Programming, OOP, Modules, Unit testing, JSON, APIs, Advanced Networking, Cryptography, Lists, Dictionaries, Flow Control, File Handling, POST GET PATCH DELETE-Single Message Given Message Key, Postman, Git & Software Development

Primary LanguagePython


Amazon Web Services, Level 5

Unitec Institute of Technology

AWS re/Start, October 2023 - February 2024


  • Its ok to discuss strategy/solution between each other, just don't copy work
  • Only change code where you were asked with "your code here" in terminal art
  • Don't change the template code of the assignment (using Git to ensure this)
  • Don't make it obvious that you have copied unmodified contents from the AI tools/Stackoverflow
  • Don't ask the tutors to give you the answer, though you may ask for hints/high level how
  • Feel free to ask the tutors to get you fix an execution time error/environment setup fault
  • Feel free let us know during class if you find something is wrong with the assignment questions
  • Be reasonable with the tutors' time, so everyone can have a turn at asking them for help

Part 1 (25 marks total)

Part 1.1. Network (12/25 marks)

see file Part_1/1.Network.md

Part 1.2. Git & software development (6/25 marks)

see file Part_1/2.Development.md

Part 1.3. Cryptography (7/25 marks)

see file Part_1/3. Cryptography.md

Part 2 (25 marks total)

Part 2.1. List (3/25 marks)

Assign the list ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] to a variable. Reverse the list, then insert ‘z’ at index 3, and finally append ‘o’ to the end.

see file Part_2/1.List.py

Part 2.2. Dictionaries (3/25 marks)

Given 2 lists, 1 each for string keys and int values Convert and return a single dictionary, 100x the int values.

see file Part_2/1.Dictionaries.py

Part 2.3. Flow control (4/25 marks)

Print out a pattern like this programmatically with n n = the number of star equivalent to how wide the wing is there is 1 space in between the * on each line

in this case n = 4

* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *

in this case n = 1
* *

see file Part_2/3.FlowControl.py

Part 2.4. File handling (4/25 marks)

Write a function which reads a file name, eg. input.txt, then print out all the lines in the files Additionally, display the lines in such a way that does not cause line misalignment Save all the printout into a separate file called output.txt


see file Part_2/4.FileHandling.py the file to run test on is input.txt

Part 2.5. OOP (7/25 marks)

Write a Python class Employee with attributes like emp_id, emp_name, emp_salary, and emp_department and methods like calculate_emp_salary, emp_assign_department, and print_employee_details.

  • Raise a custom exception when the salary is lower than 40,000 which is lower than the minimum wage
  • Use 'assign_department' method to change the department of an employee.
  • Use 'print_employee_details' method to print the details of an employee.
  • Use 'calculate_emp_salary' method takes two arguments: salary and hours_worked, which is the number of hours worked by the employee. If the number of hours worked is more than 50, the method computes overtime and adds it to the salary. Overtime is calculated as following formula:
overtime = hours_worked – 50
overtime amount = (overtime * (salary / 50))
Sample Employee Data:
"ADAMS", "E7876", 50000, "ACCOUNTING"
"JONES", "E7499", 45000, "RESEARCH"
"MARTIN", "E7900", 50000, "SALES"
"SMITH", "E7698", 55000, "OPERATIONS"
"KING", "E5698", 20000, "RESEARCH"

see file Part_2/5.OOP.py

Part 2.6. Module (4/25 marks)

Given file Part_2/6.ErrorHandling

Split the file into a module structure such as below. Ensure that executing the main.py file does not incur any runtime error.

├── classes
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── Contract.py
│   ├── Commission.py
│   ├── ContractCommission.py
│   ├── Employee.py
│   ├── HourlyContract.py
│   └── FreelancerContract.py
└── main.py

Part 3 (30 marks total)

Given file Part_3/main.py

Part 3.1. POST api (8/25 marks)

This intends to create a simple message and save it inside a dictionary

Implement the POST /message API with a query parameter taking in str as message:

  • (2/8 marks) Save the message content (value) and message id (key) into dictionary messages
  • (2/8 marks) The key of the dict should be message_{index}, eg. message_1, message_2
  • (2/8 marks) Automatically increment the index value somehow
  • (2/8 marks) Ensure that you can avoid overwriting and existing key when calling this POST API
  • If the message is saved successfully, check to status code 200
def create_message(message: str):

Part 3.2. GET all messages api (2/25 marks)

Return all saved messages, with code 200 If there is no message, return code 404

def get_all_messages() -> dict:

Part 3.3. GET single messages api, given a message_key (3/25 marks)

Get a message content, given a message key, eg. GET /message/message_1 If a key does not exist, return code 404

def get_message(message_key: str) -> str:

Part 3.4. PATCH single messages api, give message_key and new_message (4/25 marks)

Update message content, given a message key,

  • eg. PATCH /message/message_1 and also provide query string variable message
  • If a message key does not exist, return code 404
  • If a message key indeed exist, override, and return the updated value
def update_message(message_key: str, new_message: str) -> str:

Part 3.5. DELETE single message given message_key (3/25 marks)

Delete message key and value, given a message_key,

  • eg. DELETE /message/message_1
  • If a message key does not exist, return code 404
  • If a message key indeed exist, delete, and return the message value (similar to pop)
def delete_message(message_key: str) -> str:

Part 3.6. Unit testing (10/25 marks)

See file Part_3/test_main.py

Perform Unit testing on the API you created and provide some screenshot of the test evidence:

  • (2/10 marks) POST api
  • (2/10 marks) GET all api
  • (2/10 marks) GET by message_key api
  • (2/10 marks) PATCH by message_key api
  • (2/10 marks) DELETE by messge_key api

You are welcome to provide robust testing of your APIs, considering different edge cases or ways it can fail. For the extra effort spent for testing, you may earn up to 5 addition marks (if you really need them). Consider this a "performance bonus", which you will encounter in real life somewhat often. I recommend investing in your test suite after you have completed the assignment though.

Part 4 (20 marks total)

  1. See file Part_4/main.py

  2. Change directory in your Bash/Unix terminal to cd Part_4

  3. Activate your virtual environment

Alt text

  1. Run pip install sqlmodel fastapi[all] while inside your virtual environment

  2. Study the existing code carefully

Part 4.1. POST /owners/ API (3/20 marks)

Implement an API to create owner, given the OwnerCreate DTO definition as input type

@app.post("/owners/", response_model=OwnerRead)
def create_owner(*, session: Session = Depends(get_session), owner: OwnerCreate):

Part 4.2. GET /owners-full-details/{owner_id} (3/20 marks)

Implement an API to get details of owner, given the owner_id number The response payload body may also include details of all the owned cars (if linked via car.owner_id)

@app.get("/owners-full-details/{owner_id}", response_model=OwnerReadWithCars)
def read_owner_full_details(*, session: Session = Depends(get_session), owner_id: int):

Part 4.3. POST /cars/ API (3/20 marks)

Implement an API to create car, given the CarCreate DTO definition as input type

@app.post("/cars/", response_model=CarRead)
def create_car(*, session: Session = Depends(get_session), car: CarCreate):

Part 4.4. GET /cars-full-details/{car_id} API (3/20 marks)

Implement an API to get details of car, given the car_id number The response payload body may also include details of owner (if linked via car.owner_id)

@app.get("/cars-full-details/{car_id}", response_model=CarReadWithOwner)
def read_car_full_details(*, session: Session = Depends(get_session), car_id: int):

Part 4.5. PATCH /cars/{car_id} API (3/20 marks)

Implement an API that allow updating of either the owner owner_id or the plate number plate_number of that car

@app.patch("/cars/{car_id}", response_model=CarRead)
def update_car(
    *, session: Session = Depends(get_session), car_id: int, car: CarUpdate

Part 4.6. Unit testing (5/20 marks)

See file Part_4/test_main.py

Perform Unit testing on the API you created and provide some screenshot of the test evidence:

  • (1/5 marks) POST owner
  • (1/5 marks) GET owner
  • (1/5 marks) POST car
  • (1/5 marks) GET car with owner info
  • (1/5 marks) PATCH car

You are welcome to provide robust testing of your APIs, considering different edge cases or ways it can fail. For the extra effort spent for testing, you may earn up to 5 addition marks (if you really need them). Consider this a "performance bonus", which you will encounter in real life somewhat often. I recommend investing in your test suite after you have completed the assignment though.Perform Unit testing on the API you created and provide some screenshot of the test evidence