
Another Parser Combinator for C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Another Parser Combinator for C#
A library for building optimized and flexible parsers.

Nuget Nuget


APC# is embedded directly into your C# program, without the need for any additional tools or build-time code generation tasks.

Simply install it by clicking on Dependencies > Manage NuGet Packages > Browse and search for APC#.

Or type command below in your .NET CLI:

dotnet add package APCSharp

View the project on NuGet.

Getting Started

Welcome and thanks for being here, we're glad that you're interested in building your next parser with APC#! The first thing you should do is look at the Wiki.


This C# code below, creates a new parser, then using the Run() method to parse the input expression, and generate an AST.

Parser p = Parser.AnyOf(
        Parser.Word // Any string containing letters
    	Parser.WhiteSpaces.Maybe() // Matches WhiteSpaces if there are any, else return an empty Node
	).RemoveEmptyMaybeMatches()	// Removes all empty Nodes
    .Many(); // Match every instance of: (<string/string/word> <whitespace?>)+

PResult r = p.Run(@"Coding
  is   cool!");

This produces the following output AST:

PResult { Status: Succeeded, Remaining: "", AST:
    Node { Type: List, Children:
        Node { Type: List, Children:
            Node { Type: String, Value: "Coding" (System.String) }
            Node { Type: WhiteSpace, Value: "\r\n  " (System.String) }
        Node { Type: List, Children:
            Node { Type: Word, Value: "is" (System.String) }
            Node { Type: WhiteSpace, Value: "   " (System.String) }
        Node { Type: List, Children:
            Node { Type: Word, Value: "cool" (System.String) }

👩🏽‍🔬 Want to contribute?

All help is very much appreciated! You can fork the repo right now and start building your own version right away, and if you happen to create something interesting and useful, don't hesitate to file a pull request!

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Without all of you guys great support, I wouldn't be able to build projects like this! You can help by supporting the project financially or in code, all support is appreciated with great reverence and gratitude. Become a sponsor today! 🤩