
Region Plugin to show one or more Status Meter Gauges based on a SQL statement.

Primary LanguagePLSQLMIT LicenseMIT

Oracle APEX Region Plugin - StatusMeterGauge

Region Plugin to show one or more Status Meter Gauges based on a SQL statement.


1.2.2 - Removed the hard coded reference to the JET css file

1.2.1 - Fix to show the Value in the centre and use the Percentage for the coloring

1.2.0 - Fix for APEX 18.1 / JET 4.2

1.1.0 - Added a "Tooltip" column

1.0.0 - Initial Release


  • Import Plugin File region_type_plugin_com_apexconsulting_apex_jet_gauge.sql from the main directory into your Application
  • (Optional) Deploy the JS and CSS files from the server/js and server/css Directory on your Webserver and change the File Prefix to Webservers Folder.

Plugin Settings

Available Plugin Settings :

  • Value column - the name or alias of the column that should be used as the value (required)
  • Percent column - the name or alias of the column that should be used as the percent value (can be the same as the Value Column)(required)
  • Label column - the name or alias of the column that should be used as the label (optional)
  • Color column - the name or alias of the column that should be used as the color column (optional)
  • Tooltip column - the name or alias of the column that should be used as the tooltip column (optional)
  • Link target - standard APEX link target option (optional)
  • Orientation - should the gauges be horizontally or verticaly rendered (required)
  • Height - the height of the gauge (can be restricted by the available height for the region) (required)
  • Automatic refresh - refresg after x seconds (optional)

How to use

  • Create a new Region based on the Plugin
  • Add a SQL Statement like the example below. Then map the columns to the correct attributes.
select round(dbms_random.value(0,100))     val
,      dbms_random.string('l', 10)  txt
,      '#' || round(dbms_random.value(100000,999999)) color
from   dual
connect by level <= 3

Demo Application


Related info

Based upon the Status Meter Gauge JET component, see http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jet/jetCookbook.html?component=statusMeterGauge&demo=statusMeterGaugeCircular for details.
