
Primary LanguageC++


EBoat Virtual Ocean Environment

Álvaro's Version

\ Gazebo/ROS based virtual environment to reinforcement learning research on USVs.

First of all you should have ROS Noetic and Gazebo 11 install in your system. For installation instructions see http://wiki.ros.org/noetic.

Once you have ROS and Gazebo installed, to make the environment run you will need to do:

1 - Create a workspace for the project

$ mkdir -p ~/eboat_ws/src

2 - Change to the src directory

$ cd ~/eboat_ws/src

3 - Clone de repository

$git clone https://github.com/medialab-fboat/eboat_gz_1.git

4 - Change to the workspace directory

$ cd ~/eboat_ws

5 - Compile the source

$ catkin_make

6 - Source de ROS package

$ source ~/eboat_ws/devel/setup.bash

6.1 - Alternatively, you can insert the command above in your .bashrc file

$ echo "source ${HOME}/eboat_ws/devel/setup.bash" > ${HOME}/.bashrc

7 - Launch the environmen

$ roslaunch eboat_gazebo ocean.launch

\ To launch the GUI with boat controls, you sould do:

1 - Install miniconda from https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

2 - Create an anaconda environment using the YML file in ~/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1/eboat_control/scripts/

$ conda env create --file ${HOME}/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1/eboat_control/python/script/ctr_gui.yml

3 - Make the script executable

$ chmod +x ~/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1/eboat_control/scripts/controls_v0.py

4 - Change the path on the python script to point your ctrgui anaconda environment

5 - Launch eboat_gazebo (If you did not follow installation step 6.1, you might need to execute installation step 6 before starting the environment)

$ roslaunch eboat_gazebo ocean.launch

6 - Run the python script

$ ~/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1/eboat_control/scripts/controls.py


OBS: Alternatively, if you do not wish to make the python code executable, you can replace steps 3 to 6 with the following steps.

3' - Activate the environment

$ conda activate ctrgui

4' - Launch eboat_gazebo

$ roslaunch eboat_gazebo ocean.launch

5' - Run the python script

$ python ~/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1/eboat_control/scripts/controls.py

\ To make Gym environment avaiable for RL developing, you must do:

1 - Install miniconda from https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

2 - Create an anaconda environment using the YML file in ~/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1/

$ conda env create --file ${HOME}/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1/gazgym.yml

3 - Activate the environment

$ conda activate gazgym

4 - Clone the GazeboGym environment from GitHub in your home folder

$ git clone https://github.com/erlerobot/gym-gazebo.git

5 - Got to the GazeboGym home

$ cd ~/gym-gazebo

6 - Install the environment

pip install -e .


This project contains some gym environments predifined. You can use them or create your own environments for your RL tasks. The environments are stored in ~/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1/eboat_gym_gaz/envs/

\ * The original YML file will install tensorflow-gpu and pythorch-gpu. In case you do not have a compatible GPU available, remove tensorflow-gpu and pythorch-gpu from the YML file.

\ Frequently used commands:

Closes everything:

$ sudo killall -9 gazebo gzserver gzclient python rosmaster rosout

Open Tensorboard:

$ cd ~/eboat_ws/src/eboat_gz_1 $ tensorboard --logdir logs