Load the images
Train the network
Find the error
reduce the error
apply the backpropogation
repeat the process
[64 x 64 x 3] Input
[64 x 64 x 32] Conv1: 32 3 x 3 filters at stride 2 , pad 1
[32 x 32 x 32] Max Pool1: 3 x 3 filters at stride 2
[32 x 32 x 32] Conv 2 : 32 3 x 3 filters at stride 2,pad 1
[16 x 16 x 32] Max pool2: 3 x 3 filters at stride 2
[16 x 16 x 32] Conv 3 : 32 3 x 3 filters at stride 2,pad 1
[8 x 8 x 32] Max pool3: 3 x 3 filters at stride2
[2048] Fully Connected1: 2048 neurons
[2] Fully Connected2: 2 neurons(Class scores)